Could you tell us which card are you missing ?
- Cursed Dodoro ?
- Excaliballs ?
- Dodoro ?
- Grant X ?
Thank you!
Missing 1-3. There's another thread where it sounds like others are having the same issue. https://itch.io/t/1790298/new-strip-lucky-cardsThanks!
Update--all 3 of the cards showed up after I beat Dodoro, so assuming that is intentional, there is no bug, I just didn't know that they weren't available until then. Sorry about any hassle for this one. Random other couple of potential minor bugs--(1) Beton's "work" tournament option always defaults to normal even if you complete it in badass mode, not sure if that was intentional; and (2) Grant's "work" tournament option doesn't have any option between normal/badass modes. Thanks again for the game and all the hard work--it's really enjoyable!