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It's pretty good! :)

Some thoughts I had while playing the game:

- I liked the atmosphere with the rain and the sounds in general, the moments they triggered, the music... good job there, it was well done

- The graphics were nice, I really like that style

- Small detail, I thought that the objective was a bit gamey with the number "(3)". I thought: how do I know that I should find 3 things?

- I would have liked the path in the woods to be a little bit more defined, at least in the beginning. I was thinking that the character was trying to go through that path with a car, but it felt more like a forest

- When the "Press F to toggle your flashlight" prompt appeared, I was a bit confused and I was expecting something more. I thought that turning off the flashlight was going to involve some gameplay (seeing hints or creepy things when the flashlight is turned off for example)

- I liked that you could simply approach items to interact with them

- Near the first piece of paper, it felt like I could walk in the woods but there was an invisible collision (I think placing some grass, branches and rocks to delimit the path would fix it)

- I would suggest to put a gender neutral bathroom sign (just a nice little exclusivity detail). With the male/female bathroom sign, I expected to see the same signs in the building

- The objective to find the teddy bear appeared before I stepped on the note about the teddy bear so it felt a bit random at first

- I thought that the shower in the labyrinth building was clever, because hearing the running water was helping me orient myself

- When it was time to get out of the building, I thought that the "behind you" voice line should have triggered when I was going the wrong way... It was weird that I was going in the right direction and a voice was telling me to look behind (it felt like a false hint?)

- After finding the baseball cap, I noticed that there was a sound of the grating falling off - it was a good hint, but I would consider adding a visual hint too

- I enjoyed that the game was mostly creepy (just one jumpscare) and that the audio was balanced. Since it's your first game, I was afraid that some sounds would be too loud, but you nailed it!

- In the camping ground, after getting a bit lost in the labyrinth and in the well area, I felt some fatigue because I felt really lost and I was struggling to find my way. I would have liked to have a bit more pointers

- The thunder after picking up the soccer ball felt a bit forced, I think it might be covering the sound of the journal being updated too

- The sound of creaking branches in the woods, before arriving to the cabin with the man... that was quite creepy. Good job, I didn't want to look back lol

- I expected the character to say something when finding the person in the cabin... "Oh god..." or something like that

- When I found the key, I had completely forgotten about the locked door in the beginning... The character could maybe comment on having seeing a door earlier? Not sure.

- I didn't understand the drawing near the end. The drawing looked like a path, a door, an X and the number 7... Now that I'm staring at it in my video and writing this, I think it is pointing to the key, but I really didn't get it while playing lol

- I thought that the last message could have been "me" instead of "you". I dunno, I felt like I was playing a character, not playing myself

Good game! It was mysterious and intriguing and it kept me interested :)

Hi maneige, thank you for taking time to review my game.
Those comments are REALLY helpful and relevant.

I will use these to update the game very soon,
and I will also apply them to my upcoming games.

Unfortunately, because this is my first creation, my Unity
knowledge isn't that great, and as written above, I've been learning the engine since maybe 2-3 months.

Overall, I'm glad that you liked the game and the atmosphere.
Thank you again for the comments!