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Hey, that's pretty solid! The movement could use a bit of work here and there, but overall the gameplay feels pretty good. Nice job!

In what way could the movement be improved on?


Nothing radical, really. Just minor tweaks in the consistency of movement. It felt to me like I lost a bit of momentum whenever I was jumping. But if I'm not mistaken, I gained speed when I landed after a jump. Is that what you referred to as bunny hopping? Sorry if this is not a clear answer. It's hard to point out. Maybe I should spend some more time and see if I can find a better description of my experience.


I understand.
Speed is reduced a little while in the air, and picks up again when on the ground. I did this cause it generally feels better to me, but I can see how it could mess with the flow. 

Yeah, that's what I meant by bunny hopping. Jumping consistently increases speed, but if you stop jumping the speed resets to default. Which is what my understanding of bunny hopping is. Which of course could be completely wrong, as I've never put much research into it.

Both of these are easy enough to tweak, so I can mess around with the settings and see if I can't find something that feels more consistent.