This game looks amazing! So many visually distinct biomes to explore - I particularly enjoyed the palace interiors, but the trees looked really good as well. I liked that you put the effort in to give each biome its own background music. It also controlled quite well, very responsive and snappy. I also thought the slime monsters were a creative implementation with their hitbox being tied to the spiky protrusion.
Here's some constructive feedback:
- The world design is huge, but I felt fairly unguided and uncertain of where I was supposed to go most of the time. There was a lot of guessing and backtracking (as well as one instance where I got stuck by going right from the palace before getting the fireball and had to reset the game).
- The HUD, while gorgeous, covered several of the gems I needed to do the vertical shot on.
- I struggled with this one a lot too, but in a game with so much vertical movement and such large spaces to navigate, the camera felt a bit off - there were several times when I'd have to make a blind jump/fall or when the camera's swift movements would distract me.
And a minor nitpick:
- The background parallax moving at the same speed as the character felt weird.
Overall a very solid entry and definitely one of the most visually stunning ones I've seen so far. Great job!