Thanks for playing, and I'm glad you had fun!
>The save system isn't permanent, and will only exist while the game is in production. I will likely be changing the save system for the final version. Data does save without the code, but it will not transfer between new versions(which is why the code exists).
>I appreciate the typo report. It's tough proof reading sometimes >.<
>Sandbox mode is there so you can watch the animations without the pressure of the game. (Unless you mean something else when you mean "auto play")
>There will be some features I will be looking to add for post-game content. Though exactly what aren't really confirmed yet. There are some neat ideas though.
>Ritual will only pull from available modifiers, yes. So it should not be able to proc anything you have not unlocked.
>There are currently no plans to have transmogs actually have scenes, but if there's enough interest it might be possible.
>I'll take note of the Yoni questline clarity. It's using a pretty outdated system that I should take a look at anyways.
>The credits are in the Project description here on under "SpunkStock Team" along with links to their twitter. Credits in-game would be a good add though, ya. AmHidden did the art for all of the girls, along with their designs.