needs some polish but I had fun! running out of ammo felt more like an annoyance than a useful mechanic--I often found myself swapping weapons randomly just to find something that could shoot. the experience is also a bit too unloseable and the guns too similar to offer me any motivation to use one weapon over another, it seems. four different types of weapons is a lot! it feels like you may have been able to sell a really clean feel for one, maybe two of them instead in the same amount of time.
teleporting felt a little tacked on, but was actually what I enjoyed most about the game. rmb to hop around space feels very satisfying, and your tune on the AV elements of doing so is great. I would love to experience more of that, particularly in a way that motivates me to do it in combat, or use it to do interesting things with the map.
also, any game about bhopping without scroll up mapped to jump should be a crime (wink).
great work!