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An interesting concept for a first-person game. You don't see many first-person brawler type games. I think with your tutorial, you need to actually tell people what the controls are. Like, if you can block, I have no idea how to do that from the tut alone. Also, doesn't seem like when you are in the arena you can actually move about -- felt very restrictive. The main issue I have with the game, is that I'm not a young person. Having to use the mouse to attack with, with both mouse buttons, is actually not a pleasant experience. Maybe if I were 10 years younger, I wouldn't mind so much. Honestly, I have no suggestion how that could be improved, other than maybe having movement control attack type that is triggered by holding down a mouse button. Like hold LMB and then moving left is a right-had attack, moving right is a left-hand attack, moving forward is a push. You could then do something similar with RMB but with blocking certain attacks. That's assuming moving forward and away from the enemy is all automatic. Anway, interesting first-person brawler concept.

Thank you very much for the honest criticism!

I think you're right on the nose with the mouse-tapping--I've always been a bit of a tap-lover, given growing up on fighting games, but I think you shouldn't need to be a fan of a genre of games to get the most out of an unrelated genre. I've already got a couple things in mind for what to do with the rehaul of the combat system, but I think I'm going to make the slapping an automatic system, with an extra bonus for those who're able to input in time. That way it's streamlined for the majority of folks, but high level pr0s can get an extra benefit out of it.