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Hello developer, i want to report several bugs.

1. Quest to spy Dorgania isn't working properly, even i already ask Theremis to prepare war,  i try again but he said "we already prepare the war please wait several days" or something like that.

2. Dialog about construction arena finished appear even i already build arena and causing more upkeep.

3. At new battlefield the vanguard leaders can walk through forest but i forgot to take screenshot.

4. And this is just small problem, when i choose horse to Phyrra, her name changed Kurohime

1. Did you advance the events with Grey far enough to make "him" meet Lady Akira yet? The spy mission should appear on the overview map at Luolambo when you have all requirements.
2. Fixed.
3. Maybe a bug with Leneth's flying movement? Did you use her in the battle? Does the issue still appear when you re-start the battle completely?
4. Fixed.


(2 edits)

Thank you for your help, i didn't notice small icon at Lualombo. And about new battlefield, sorry i mean "a tree" not forest. Here take a look walking route General Alcena and Owen

Fixed it. Thanks.

Sorry to bother you again, i just found another bug, Mia first skill "Natural Strenght" increase her attack but set her HP to 10, no matter how much HP she have, it always end with 10 HP.