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In 1.14, I am stuck behind a treasure on the map. It freezes transitioning to it each time, and it won't seem to stop, no matter how much I restart D:

(1 edit) (+1)

Im working on fixing this bug right now, and am having troubles figuring it out. Could you please provide me with a list of how many techs(max) you have? Also what zone are you in?

I have feeling that its because you have all the techs available, but I need some evidence or else I won't know if the bug actually went away.

Thanks for your help.

Thanks for the quick response, and sorry for not having noticed it in decent time.

My owned techs (all are currently active) are as follows:

5 basic firepower units

1 advanced firepower unit

5 propulsors

2 turbochargers

1 weapon accelerator

1 ultramplifier

1 nuclearizer.

I am currently in the final zone, only a few spaces from the boss enemy of the zone.

modify your island a little i had the same problem

Thanks. I will attempt this whenever I have time.