A bug I found is that if you make a new game but close the program while the intro text is playing, it doesn't seem to properly save and when you try the "Load game" option it just removes the options from the home screen (but they still seem to be selectable, if you press space it tries to load again) and throws an error in the console:
// start of error message
ERROR: _load: Method failed. Returning: RES()
At: core/io/resource_loader.cpp:286.
{mother:{contract:False, info:False, name:False, rep:0}, trader:{introduction:False, quest:0}}
{altar:0, ascension:False, devil_released:False, parasite:-1, seals:{one:False, three:False, two:False}, shortcut:[]}
ERROR: get_node: Condition "!node" is true. Returned: __null
At: scene/main/node.cpp:1368. // end of error message