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(2 edits)

Hey, man! I'm sorry to bother you again, but maybe I found another little issue. When I use the new note tags that you created, they don't work. For example, if I use these note tags 

<KoTC Display Scale: SCALE> 
<KoTC Pickup Audio: AUDIO> 
<KoTC Pickup Audio Pitch: PITCH>/i)> 
<KoTC Pickup Audio Volume: VOLUME>/i)> 
<KoTC Pickup Audio Pitch Variance: (\d+)>/i)>

nothing will happen. The audio doesn't play at all. 
And also, I would like to suggest you to add some new features that I was thinking about to make this plugin even more awesome! If you could add them to the plugin, I would be extremely grateful with you because you're helping me to make a great game! :D No rush, so add them when you can!

The new features would be: 

1. Ability to immediately call a Common Event after gaining an item/weapon/armor (for example, you could create a new note tag such as <KoTC Call Common Event On Gaining: ID> where ID is the ID of the Common Event to call right after gaining the item/weapon/armor from the ground).

2. A new specific command to Drop an item/weapon/armor on to the ground like it was when clicking on Discard, so this new way when I click on the Discard command the item/weapon/armor will be litterally removed from the inventory. The Drop command will be used to drop the item/weapon/armor on to the ground and the Discard command will be used to remove the item/weapon/armor completely from the inventory like it was originally intended to work by Yanfly. Obviously, the new Drop command would work standalone just with your plugin, even without installing the Yanfly Discard plugin. And the Discard command would appear only if using also the Yanfly plugin to litterally remove that item/weapon/armor from the inventory. So, when using your plugin together with the Yanfly Discard Item plugin, they will work together, but the 2 commands will work separately for 2 different purposes. I need a feature so the player can Drop items on to the ground and also can Discard them from the inventory if he wishes to do so.

3. Fluctuating animation for item/weapon/armor on the ground. It would be nice to have a simple looped fluctuating animation when the item/weapon/armor is on the ground, instead of staying still.

Thank you in advance! Let me know if these features can be added into your plugin. They would be so awesome to have in your plugin! :D 

(1 edit)

Excuse the typos in my instructions, limited time doesn't allow me to check up much as I'd like, here's the real instructions, and I've added the ability to make a common event run when an item is picked up, both in the map loot config and in the notes, in V1.05!

<KoTC Display Scale: SCALE> Example: 1 is 100%, 0.5 is 50%, 1.5 is 150%, 2 is 200%

<KoTC Pickup Audio: AUDIO> Name of audio without extension. Example: Damage1

<KoTC Pickup Audio Pitch: NUMBER> Pitch of audio to play.
<KoTC Pickup Audio Volume: NUMBER> Volume of audio to play. 

<KoTC Pickup Audio Pitch Variance: NUMBER>
Variance of the pitch.
Example: if this is 20, and pitch is 100, pitch will vary from 80 to 120.

<KoTC Common Event: COMMONEVENTID> ID of common event you wish to run whenever this particular item is picked up. If set to 0 or not included, is disabled.

I can do 2 and 3 too, I'll let you know when I add those features in as well. :)

Wow! Thank you SO MUCH! I'm so grateful with you! :D
The Common Event feature works as intended and it's super awesome! I'll wait for the other features that I suggested. 

However, the little issue with the other note tags is still there. The audio doesn't play or if it is played, it's like a strange low sound that lasts less than 1 second.

(1 edit)

Oops, maybe I found another bug. O_O 
It's the first time I'm using this plugin command


and it does nothing. The game doesn't crash, but if I open the console, it shows this error:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input

    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)

    at KoTC Roguelike Loot Drop System.js:700

    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

    at KoTC Roguelike Loot Drop System.js:693

    at KoTC Roguelike Loot Drop System.js:799

EDIT: Ok, the game just crashed. XD I used the script call


and the game crashed. Here's the console log: 

rpg_managers.js:1949 ReferenceError: Boom is not defined

    at eval (eval at Game_Interpreter.command355 (rpg_objects.js:10500), <anonymous>:1:26)

    at Game_Interpreter.command355 (rpg_objects.js:10500)

    at Game_Interpreter.executeCommand (rpg_objects.js:8930)

    at Game_Interpreter.update (rpg_objects.js:8838)

    at Game_Map.updateInterpreter (rpg_objects.js:6115)

    at Game_Map.update (rpg_objects.js:6022)

    at Scene_Map.updateMain (rpg_scenes.js:608)

    at Scene_Map.updateMainMultiply (rpg_scenes.js:600)

    at Scene_Map.update (rpg_scenes.js:589)

    at Function.SceneManager.updateScene (rpg_managers.js:2024)

SceneManager.catchException @ rpg_managers.js:1949

And also this log: 

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input

    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)

    at KoTC Roguelike Loot Drop System.js:700

    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

    at KoTC Roguelike Loot Drop System.js:693

    at KoTC Roguelike Loot Drop System.js:799

Hello again! I believe I've resolved most the crash issues if not all of them, and possibly some other ones, as usual let me know if things give you trouble, the version is 1.06  Once again I appreciate your help in hunting down issues, I wish my testing revealed these as quickly as yours does! Hope you have a merry Christmas!

And KoTCDataPoolLootDropRoll should work now as well (:

I'll be sure to separate the discard command and the drop command in the next update.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the reply, but the bugs are still there and now there is one more issue... T_T 
The game crashes if I use this plugin command 


Here's the console log: 

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input

    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)

    at KoTC Roguelike Loot Drop System.js:700

    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

    at KoTC Roguelike Loot Drop System.js:693

    at KoTC Roguelike Loot Drop System.js:799

And this:

rpg_managers.js:1949 ReferenceError: boom is not defined

    at eval (eval at Game_Interpreter.command355 (rpg_objects.js:10500), <anonymous>:1:26)

    at Game_Interpreter.command355 (rpg_objects.js:10500)

    at Game_Interpreter.executeCommand (rpg_objects.js:8930)

    at Game_Interpreter.update (rpg_objects.js:8838)

    at Game_Map.updateInterpreter (rpg_objects.js:6115)

    at Game_Map.update (rpg_objects.js:6022)

    at Scene_Map.updateMain (rpg_scenes.js:608)

    at Scene_Map.updateMainMultiply (rpg_scenes.js:600)

    at Scene_Map.update (rpg_scenes.js:589)

    at Function.SceneManager.updateScene (rpg_managers.js:2024)

SceneManager.catchException @ rpg_managers.js:1949

Also, when discarding an item, that item won't be dropped anymore on to the ground. That's a new bug. O_O So, I can't even tell if the audio plays because I can't pickup anything. XD

I'm sorry, but at this point I don't know if the other plugin commands and script calls will work because there are already tons of bugs and I haven't tested yet all the features of this plugin, so who knows that if using the other features, will they work...?

Anyway, I hope you're having a merry Christmas, too! :D

(1 edit)

hey again! I may need a miniproject representing these new issues, ive been unable to reproduce them and im certain  im missing something!

Thank you :)

Yes, of course! Here's the miniproject: 

I also tested ALL the plugin commands and ALL the script calls and I noticed that NONE of them worked. You can test them by yourself because I created an event for each one of them. Basically, the plugin commands don't do anything and the script calls, every single one of them, make the game crash! O_O NO WAY! 
Also, the Map Loot Config now doesn't work: the items don't show up on the map. 
And the Item Discard feature doesn't work, so I can't tell if the audio plays.
I also put all of the notetags in the Item 1: Potion, so you can also test those notetags.
And I created a simple Common Event 1 to call whenever picking up items for testing purposes, if you want to test it, too. 

Basically, this plugin now doesn't work at all. XD

So, please, this time test every single feature of the plugin before updating it because it can't be used at all this way... :(

(1 edit)

Sorry again for the trouble, but thanks to your project i was able to root out more than one issue, and I realized I forgot to tell in the documentation, item type, tier name, and table name have to surrounded in quotes when used in script call, updated documentation will relay this! 

And the reason it quit working completely is because the minimum level on a loot table was set to 0, I correctly limited it to level 1.
I gone over it multiple times for an hour, testing every command/ script call, and transfering maps, reloading saves, and it appears to be  working fine now in the latest version V1.07.

Here's the fixed project, i changed comments and commands to show the script calls that require quotes and where the quotations are required.

As usual, do tell me if anything else gives you trouble!

I just tested it and... IT WORKED! Everything worked! Thank you so much! :D 

I'll wait for the separation of the Drop command and the Discard command in the next update.