Hey, man! I'm sorry to bother you again, but maybe I found another little issue. When I use the new note tags that you created, they don't work. For example, if I use these note tags
<KoTC Display Scale: SCALE>
<KoTC Pickup Audio: AUDIO>
<KoTC Pickup Audio Pitch: PITCH>/i)>
<KoTC Pickup Audio Volume: VOLUME>/i)>
<KoTC Pickup Audio Pitch Variance: (\d+)>/i)>
nothing will happen. The audio doesn't play at all.
And also, I would like to suggest you to add some new features that I was thinking about to make this plugin even more awesome! If you could add them to the plugin, I would be extremely grateful with you because you're helping me to make a great game! :D No rush, so add them when you can!
The new features would be:
1. Ability to immediately call a Common Event after gaining an item/weapon/armor (for example, you could create a new note tag such as <KoTC Call Common Event On Gaining: ID> where ID is the ID of the Common Event to call right after gaining the item/weapon/armor from the ground).
2. A new specific command to Drop an item/weapon/armor on to the ground like it was when clicking on Discard, so this new way when I click on the Discard command the item/weapon/armor will be litterally removed from the inventory. The Drop command will be used to drop the item/weapon/armor on to the ground and the Discard command will be used to remove the item/weapon/armor completely from the inventory like it was originally intended to work by Yanfly. Obviously, the new Drop command would work standalone just with your plugin, even without installing the Yanfly Discard plugin. And the Discard command would appear only if using also the Yanfly plugin to litterally remove that item/weapon/armor from the inventory. So, when using your plugin together with the Yanfly Discard Item plugin, they will work together, but the 2 commands will work separately for 2 different purposes. I need a feature so the player can Drop items on to the ground and also can Discard them from the inventory if he wishes to do so.
3. Fluctuating animation for item/weapon/armor on the ground. It would be nice to have a simple looped fluctuating animation when the item/weapon/armor is on the ground, instead of staying still.
Thank you in advance! Let me know if these features can be added into your plugin. They would be so awesome to have in your plugin! :D