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While looking threw the manual again (and waiting on the new version :-) ) I thought about something that might be well worth thinking of for a version 2 maybe.

I realized that you had already "categorized" for yourself some styles in case of tempo. I wonder how much effort it would be to go further with this categorisation and add some typical style based scales/modes, chord progressions and other settings possible in the app already ?

And then offer a "simple" style selection as starting point. That would open the app up even for people who had nearly no music knowledge at all.

And as far as I know there are not many apps out there offering both ways: simply randomn and let yourself surprise what comes up (which is the center of the app now) AND to get started with a dedicated style in mind. It would even open up the app for some style based expansions later on.

Strangely that idea came to my mind while I was thinking about a little christmas song for my daughter as surprise (she is into christmas, I am the grinch :-) ) and then I woundered: what would be typical for a christmas song ? As my musical knowledge is very limited all that questions came to my mind: typical tempo, scale, progression, melody.....?

Yes I have thought about that. It could be solved as loading/saving of profiles. 

Most of the information can be found on Google of course but it would be nice to be able to just switch between profiles to get the style settings you want.

"Profiles" would be a nice solution :-)