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Played this game a few times. I really enjoy the worldbuilding and mystery of just what your goal is and what you're doing. 

So far in my playthroughs, I've done well to beat all the guardians and even upgrade most facilities. Only one I can't is exploration. I'm not sure if it even is possible, or what the benefits are by the time you get there. 

It too me forever with Lacitra, especially because I guessed the right food but didn't get it high enough the first time. Unlike with Creama, the message was that I was doomed from the start and not hinting that I was close but failed in a different aspect. Don't know if that's because Lacitra is hard or a possible glitch?

The thing I want to do more of is explore the playground and unlock more 'photos' of the guys. I can spend time upgrading my playground, but then I can't get all the guys. I think there are 3 increases for each thrall event?  

But even if I upgrade my playground to the final upgrade, sometimes I only get prompted to increase the event to one level higher, and not any further. 

To see all the events or an event progress through all three levels, I basically focus on one guy and spend any time that's not used for defeating his guardian on making money for the playground upgrades.

I still haven't seen all of Tissimo's events or see one event go through all three levels. I just don't have enough time, especially since the randomness of the playground might mean I get the same description of say dolls or a gramophone twice in a week or even two days in a row.

(A shame cause Tissimo's events seem the funniest so far and curious to see if he breaks).

Not necessarily a complaint, but would love tips on finding ways to better manage money, playground upgrades and thralls. Or if there's maybe a way to increase seeing thralls or progress events further I haven't realized. 

Overall though, I really like the game. Interesting mix of worldbuilding, strategy and some of the hottest descriptions of sexy situations I've read. Can't wait to see more. 

Thank you! You 100% picked up on a glitch with LaCitra. (Also, she’s almost always the hardest for people, but also normally their favorite guardian somehow…?)

I am confused about the issue you’re having with the Playground. Although, I think I may address the thrall issue in the update I’m percolating. I’m still debating how to do it. But you’ve MOSTLY figured out the mechanic properly…but you got a prompt to increase the event one level higher? Do you mean as the event is happening or that you’re still getting the option to upgrade the playground?

I know most people won’t read this full comment so I’ll share a secret - the 3rd levels for characters are also connected to the number of playthroughs. In fact, there are several special events and things that will happen only after you reach or exceed a certain amount. It’s 8 for the Prince. So don’t worry to much about him before that.

Thank you again! I’m going to update the file now to fix that one glitch.

I'm glad I was able to help with that glitch. She has very Sailor Saturn vibes, so I wasn't sure if it wasn't perfect it wouldn't be detected or if it was a glitch. (Hard to say who my fave is. Crema is adorable, LaCitra is intense and the Princess intrigues me most)

Yeah, my wording wasn't great. Trying to not give away spoilers, but still not great wording. So for the photo events, I was under the impression to get them to the third and final stage, you need to upgrade the playground fully. But maybe that's not true? I assumed so because it generally only seems to give me those prompts after I upgrade the playground (thrall events too, although not always). But maybe the upgrades are just more for funny?

(By getting a prompt, I meant deciding to do more corruption during the event. No issues or glitches with upgrading the playground; once I do it's fine. More just an issues trying to balance resources (when to work, when to get appeal) saving for upgrades to the playground and upgrading other areas to get enough appeal to defeat the bosses.  

It's funny, after you said that I definitely got an event with the prince and got it to the final stage. I have about one event for Fresco, one for Limonsque and two for the Prince to see fully and I've seen them all! (Curious if the text thrall events only have two levels or if they have more.)

(Also happy to share, I also almost got this close to upgrading the exploration area by upgrading the restaurant, 5000 something dollars at the end. Did it by getting the first thrall and working everyday I could. It might just be luck in getting the right chef who activates at the right time to get cheery moods consistently.)

And thank you for replying! 

An update on progress. I've seen three events for all thralls except Tissimo. At this point I'm convinced he only has two with photos, or if he has one more I won't get it in this play through. Maybe I haven't played enough times to unlock it, but I've had to do at least thirty playthroughs.

I feel like I remember a previous time that watching all the TV shows...did something. It changed the shows or the world or something. Didn't do anything this time. I also thought I remember achievements for beating all the guardians and seeing a TV show through, but didn't get anything this time. Overall, still really enjoy playing this game! Nothing else quite like it.

AH! Sorry got busy, for your previous question - and you likely realized this - you DO still have to upgrade the playground to reach unlock the higher scenes (even on later playthroughs). All thralls have at least 3 scenes with images and 2 scenes with just text.

Tissimo, as usual, is acting like a problem while in the playground but he does have equal chance of having his scenes come up. My suggestion, which you may have done - don’t get the other thralls to heighten the chance of seeing his scenes.

And yes! If you watch an entire season of one of the original SFW shows you unlock a whole avalanche of TV based content in the game. Some shows have achievements tied to them for watching all the episodes of that show.

There shouldn’t be an achievement for beating the guardians AND watching TV. Those should be separate.