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A member registered Feb 25, 2017 · View creator page →

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The game is much improved! I hope you were able to retain the vibe you were going for but the gameplay experience read better from the player side. I didn’t see the grammar issue and I think I understand the logic of the game. Good improvements!

Great work! I’m sure everyone will love the upgrade ^_^

AH! Sorry got busy, for your previous question - and you likely realized this - you DO still have to upgrade the playground to reach unlock the higher scenes (even on later playthroughs). All thralls have at least 3 scenes with images and 2 scenes with just text.

Tissimo, as usual, is acting like a problem while in the playground but he does have equal chance of having his scenes come up. My suggestion, which you may have done - don’t get the other thralls to heighten the chance of seeing his scenes.

And yes! If you watch an entire season of one of the original SFW shows you unlock a whole avalanche of TV based content in the game. Some shows have achievements tied to them for watching all the episodes of that show.

There shouldn’t be an achievement for beating the guardians AND watching TV. Those should be separate.

Thank you! You 100% picked up on a glitch with LaCitra. (Also, she’s almost always the hardest for people, but also normally their favorite guardian somehow…?)

I am confused about the issue you’re having with the Playground. Although, I think I may address the thrall issue in the update I’m percolating. I’m still debating how to do it. But you’ve MOSTLY figured out the mechanic properly…but you got a prompt to increase the event one level higher? Do you mean as the event is happening or that you’re still getting the option to upgrade the playground?

I know most people won’t read this full comment so I’ll share a secret - the 3rd levels for characters are also connected to the number of playthroughs. In fact, there are several special events and things that will happen only after you reach or exceed a certain amount. It’s 8 for the Prince. So don’t worry to much about him before that.

Thank you again! I’m going to update the file now to fix that one glitch.

Thank you for the comment, I’m really glad someone read the Secret Notes! I can respect what you’re saying about it not feeling rewarding, but congrats on beating all of the guardians. I’m not sure if you feel like answering but how would it feel less “random” in terms of the recipes? You broke the code…how did you get there? You can answer me elsewhere if needed.

WOO-HOO! Congrats!

  1. Babooshka is the undisputed Mistress of the Realm. If you’ve seen the secret journal her role makes sense. Right now there’s nothing after her and the T.A.S.T.E. doesn’t have a weapon capable of beating her. Always enjoy the week she’s coming by doing other things.

  2. My original plan was to add 3 more guardians and thralls and prepare for that type of update. HOWEVER, after speaking with those who’ve approached me directly (they’ve all been VERY respectful and I am grateful!) I’m dead set on an update that will…address 3 issues that have been bugging me and players before adding more guardians.

(I don’t normally respond this much but I don’t feel like I’m spoiling too much with this response)

I got Ballast.

Happy Halloween!

This was such a good installment. There’s a lot of story here that kept me wondering. Like why the parents bought a house in such a unique locale. With the artwork in the house it would seem, on the surface, that such a couple would want to live elsewhere. Then again if they REALLY like exotic art…hm. I also wondered if something might be up with that neighborhood itself (Tina’s squirrel story…I believe it! Haha).

The puzzles were simple and direct, and you gave enough details to add texture to the world of “The Nanny” without info dumps. I enjoyed the art quite a bit and I liked the little nods to things from the 80s but truly enjoyed how you put your individual spin on them instead of parodying them.

I hope the game is a great success!

Yikes, it sounds like I really put you through the ringer. ALTHOUGH, this is anger I can use.

Thanks to your feedback I was able to fix 2 bugs that should NOT have been there. There was supposed to be a back button for the fussy feather menu and the guidance should have been up and working. I went ahead and fixed those and made some other corrections.

So major apologies on that front. Fixing those should make the game closer to the original vision. Thank you!

I’m not sure what happened to make so many people lose their jobs but I think the title fits so well. You have so many creative pursuits from ceramics to comics and games! I hope you’re able to fulfill them all.

I’m so glad that you added commentary to this one and the second one. I think sketchbooks are enriched by commentary. Also, the Twine game about exploring an abandoned train station sounded very cool to me! Maybe it would have been hard or confusing to pull off but things like that so nostalgic, mysteries, and rife with ways for the interesting to take place. Anywho, keep going and never stop!

As a fellow erotic Twine game maker, I salute you! I think you have a good foundation but there are consistent grammatical tense issues where present tense and past tense need to be standardized. I actually think your team shines more in the characterizations department while you should get an editor/proofreader (or maybe more than one) to comb over what you have thus far and do some redlining. I think that would strengthen the game quite a bit.

Sorry Zadeblood, I messaged you back on Twitter today (there was a little snafu where I couldn’t see your messages).

You can message me on Twitter or FA and I can give you some insight.

But remember the clues for what to use to beat them are in the game, it’s about taking advantage of their weaknesses - and there’s a dish for each of those. And as you’ve learned, there’s also a hidden dish to come to a draw (congrats on finding it for LaCitra!)

Thank you for the comment! You didn’t say too much at all.

First, I’ll tell you that LaCitra is 100% beatable so no worries. I’m actually REALLY shocked that you found her “stalemate” menu item! So far I don’t think many have found/know those exist so really - slow clap

So you can beat all 3 guardians during a single playthrough although there’s one little game secret that would make it slightly easier. Message me on Twitter or one of the gallery sites and I’ll tell you cause you put in so much of the work.

Toot’s secret journal gives you some insight on how to maximize getting funding, but the places you upgrade play a major part. There are 2 locations where, if you can upgrade them to their final levels you CAN get more than 3 power-ups. However, you’ve probably also discovered that only 1 place will give you the best boost if upgraded once.

And Ding-a-Ling isn’t working the day after Crema because that day, Flambeday is our Sunday, and he likes to run off during the weekends for his little human obsession (Which you don’t know about, shhhh).

For right now - yes. I have more guardians, guys, and events planned but the base of the game is what you’re playing now.

I think I scared my neighbor playing this, lol.

It’s a good idea. A bit like space invaders with a horror theme. However there are some grammar issues with the introduction and the controls aspect of the gameplay feels odd even though I think the concept and art are perfectly fine. I think for something made in 3 days you should be proud though.

Sorry, that would be a spoiler. You can message me on Twitter and I’ll tell you.

I hope this project and interacting with your players is a bit of your bright spot in what you’ve been going through. It’s terrible that you’re in pain but really amazing that you’re so dedicated despite it all and hanging in there. I hope you stay in a good spot!

You’re correct, this game doesn’t have a save function. However, the good news is - won’t need to save progress to beat the guardians. In fact, they’re beatable on the very first playthrough so no worries about game saves.

No problem, that’s mentioned in the note up top. It’s a common error. It just means that cookies are enabled in the browser and Twine needs those enabled to run.

Thank you for sharing this!

It’s not easy to be able to have something to compare your first week or couple of days to so this is appreciated!

You’ve done such a great job with this game! You should be really proud!

This game is a great take on the roguelike cardgame genre. I liked the atomsphere, the art (having the larger sprites come out in grey monotone felt stylish), and the music fit as well.

I wasn’t quite able to read the text of each card properly the first go around but once you gain them it becomes clear.

You’re on the right track. Pay close attention to dish descriptions in the fussy feather menu screen and see which one “fits” the keyword you need the most or seems relevant.

I think it’s well-done game. I clicked around to see what different things would do, and you may want to add different things for interaction. Maybe a cock ring, nipple clamps, vibrator eggs, nipple rings, a cock piercing, etc. Even an alternative bondage outfit?

I think you did a good job, though.

Very true, but I would add something too - Equals porn because it's cathartic. 

Equals porn because genre and play become kink and pleasure. 

That's what I think of as well.

A wonderful manifesto

This brings to mind a very particular type of game. I like the sentiment.

Thank you!

An excellent manifesto.

I don't completely get it, but I do feel it.

You're off to a great start. I had no idea you were updating and upgrading the original game but this one really does feel like a "glow up". 

This is probably the best bitsy game I've ever played.

I'm going to be the person who asks, but I completely understand if the answer is no - 

Would it be possible to extend the jam a day or two? I'm not sure who else needs it but I know I sure could. If not it's okay!

What a fun and novel way to look at the theme! Not much to it, but I bet you can go interesting placed with it.

This game was really good. I played through just to figure out what was going on. Healing can be tough, and I'm glad you made this =)

I didn't think I'd like this or where it might go but I was completely surprised by how it warmed my heart. Thank you both for making it!

I highly enjoyed that, I usually wouldn't like a speculative game like this but this was presented so well and was just an interesting usage of the source material. Also it all felt "probable". Great job, especially for a demo!