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Thanks for the feedback! (Tl:dr, I’ll probably add an option to turn energy off in a future update after the jam)

The balancing of the game was one of the more difficult parts. I'm already planning to reduce the resetting via the pause menu from 20% to something like 5% (needs more testing) and maybe adding an option to turn energy off. Although I’ll have to add a similar note, I’ll write here.

The game was designed to play like an arcade game, with multiple retries. (similar to permadeaths  in roguelikes) I did not expect players to make it in their first try.

Although I have seen some friends doing it, with very careful puzzle solving. Eventually the idea is that the player gets better in the puzzles, and develops a strategy (which item do I buy, what do I pickup? Etc.)

It’s also up to the player how they want to solve each level. The game itself (about 18 puzzles) is a puzzle. “How to make it to the end with enough energy?”. Of course the first time you play it is unknown how long the game is (see middlepattrn’s comment and my reaction)

Some more decisions for the player also change the difficulty, like: Do I pick up all batteries/candycanes? What Items do I buy and when? Do I go for all the presents?

For example it is possible to get to the credits (which is seen to me as Ending 1); without any of the presents and only picking up some of the batteries and none of the candycanes. This without getting below 70%, most of the times >80% energy and ending at 83% (solving each room first try). Which should give enough leeway to make a couple of mistakes and resetting some rooms.

Of course there are more secrets etc. which make the game easier but are not required to finish the game. Unfortunately I can’t do spoilers in comments (I think), on how I did some of the testing. But the videos on the game page (and bellow) should give a fair indication on how few energy you actually need, or reach out to me in discord.

That said, I’ll probably still add the option to turn off energy with the warning, for players how just want to solve the puzzles and don’t want to worry about the energy. Even though it is a core mechanic for this game. I also have some plans to add more/better in-game hints and some more tweaks/balancing.

Either way, thanks for the feedback and sorry for the long reaction! :P

Solution Videos (SPOILERS)

These videos are intented for players who get really stuck on a puzzle. I would encourage however to try solving the puzzles yourself. There might be multiple solutions this is just how I solve it. (The books in the intro levels also give some hints)


Ahh I see! That makes a lot of sense when put that way!