Thanks for sharing! Love Hotline Miami and had a fun time with your take on it!
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Pretty neat! I personally would prefer the default movement and shot speed to be a little faster, but it was certainly workable. Being able to shoot the projectiles out of the air was a very pleasant surprise, and I found myself reaching for that when facing certain enemies. I did run into an issue where I had a run that had no enemies in the level, or maybe they were just very far off? I ran around for probably ten rooms or so and didn't see any so I reset the game and then had enemies where I'd expect them.
Really cool game. The level generation is well done and I like how alive everything feels with the particle effects, bouncy sound effects, and so on. The hunger mechanic wasn't apparent to me until I starved to death, so perhaps a bit more explanation of the mechanics would be helpful, but overall I had a good time with it.
Side note: I think it's neat how we both had the idea of a golfing roguelike but went in very different directions with that concept :)
Sure, I've used both of those, plus some others, but the main reason I develop in Godot is that it just "clicked" for me right away, whereas I find the typical Unity workflow less intuitive, but that's a highly subjective thing. Unreal was out because I work in 2D way more than 3D, so a good 2D workflow was more important to me than 3D features, and while Unreal is on a whole other level, Godot has been making big 3D improvements with the 4.x branch so it's definitely a viable choice for 3D as well these days.
All three are great options, and unless you know that there's a specific feature you're looking for (certain programming language, has to offer X out of the box, etc), it's probably worth just trying out each for a bit and see what you like. Maybe do a game jam with each or something?
Glad you enjoyed it! I've not open sourced this game, but I have covered my tactical architecture pretty in depth on my site and YouTube channel if that's helpful. Doesn't always go into specific code details but does go pretty in-depth about how I've structured things:
Thanks for checking it out! In this case, since this is a fully 3D game, there's nothing specifically isometric about it code-wise. I can just tell a unit to go from cell A to cell B and it works out. As someone who's currently working on a fully 2D tactics game, though, there's definitely some benefits to doing it all in 3D, even if you're just going to billboard most of your art into the world. Could be one option to consider.
Another option might be to not to isometric at all for now and just do a regular grid to keep things simple. If you're a beginner, you might have plenty else to worry about :)
This is also a neat video about isometric grids you might find useful:
Ha, oops! Yeah, there's a pathfinding bug I didn't have time to iron out where they can get a bit... lost. Agree on particle effects. 3D is not my strong suite, so I use these long jams to get some practice in, but it does sometime result in little, but important, items like that getting dropped. Glad you had a good time with it!
Solid game! It is, as some others have mentioned, too dark to the point it's difficult to navigate, but otherwise the visuals are excellent and there's nice little touches like your guns lifting up and not firing when near an obstacle. The mech felt good to control and the platforming generally worked, I think. The menu button to show the controls did not work for some reason as it just played the sound effect and didn't do anything. Not too terrible to deal with since the controls are pretty standard but thought you should know. Overall, well done!
What a fun twist! Something as simple as adding a gun to pacman definitely changes how you strategize over the original. Biggest issue for me was movement. Since it's not snapped to the grid, I found myself getting killed a time or two when I thought I was in the right spot to turn and shoot an enemy but was actually off by just a little bit. Really the only note I have for it, though. Great job!
Love the leaderboard! Such a fun addition to the game. The controls felt a little difficult to use as I think aiming was a little sensitive and movement was pretty fast for such cramped corners, but it's not a huge issue. Still had a nice time with it though I'm nowhere near fast enough to get on the leaderboard!
Whoa, I haven't seen Haxe Flixel in a while, but I used to use it as well, so that was fun to see :) Nice to see a strategy game as well, though I was a little confused on what to do at first. Just a little more UI feedback or a bit more primer text would help with that. That said, I think the battles otherwise worked well. Fairly easy to pickup once I got the hang of it. Nice job.