Please don't beat yourself up, we all care so much more about you and your health than updates. It sounds super rough what you're going through and tbh I've been in that EXACT same position. So please reach out if you ever need to vent. Hope you take some time to enjoy the holiday and take care of yourself :)
I'm going to do my best to keep that in mind in the future :3 I don't know why I get it in my head that I'm failing hard if I'm not constantly making progress x3 My therapist told me a billion times over that it's not always possible to be super productive, haha.
And it sucks you've been in the same position >.< You do work crazy hard! Half the time when I spoke to you while we were working on Limbo Line, it was like you barely had a chance to breathe with being so busy x3 So I hope you manage to catch plenty of breaks yourself!
I think I still haven't replied to you on Discord yet >.< Sorry about that! I'll get round to it at some point. I'm sort of only just back on my PC and slowly going through everything I've missed. I did read everything at the time it was sent, I just didn't have anything left in me to respond >.<
I hope you actually got a chance to relax over the holidays + that 2022 is going great for you so far!! :3