Good music and atmosphere. Once you figure out what's going on, it's creepy. It's also pretty fun to play! I was confused for a while there, though... it would have been helpful to explain the controls (which are simple, but not, for me at least, intuitive).
The implementation of the limitation is a bit dubious, though. :) Also, it felt unfair when, during a long streak of surviving, I picked up the star and then ran into the creeper and I still lost. I assumed it made me invulnerable to him (in addition to the environmental hazards).
Lastly, it won't run in true full screen mode for me, at least. Look into making the window taller in The trick is, the user needs to be able to click the blue WebGL full screen button while the browser is still visible. When the game isn't running in true full screen, it's easy for the cursor to go out of bounds and to accidentally lose.