I have played this it first came to itch since missed kickstarter.
It's surprising this wasn't working or clear... you select a crewmember and right-click the section and it assigns the person (to any section with beds or jobs). Pretty sure these steps are now written in multiple places in the GUI. Does this not work for you?
What I am saying is that no crewmember was able to be assigned to the reactor. I right clicked but no one changed to job, also wasnt highlighting like runabout or storage. I dont know if this was due to none of them having any skill in that field what so ever or a bug.
You need to build a repair shop and assign someone to it. Was this not clear as well? Should be written down on an alert form.
Yes but at the beginning I can barely afford all the modules I need. For one if I don't do cantina they run thru food like crazy, Also if I don't build a custodial room some things don't get done as well, not to mention this takes half a modules. Also needing repairs this early with gas leak probably means I need air scrubbers as well, which is another item that cant afford at beginning.
With the runabout as only way to get resources but skills are lacking it takes awhile to get any cargo.
The help/hint section just gives basic assign crew member to runabout but may want to make it clear a certain skillset if preferable because it acts like I was able to accomplish the objective when all options were greyed out for who I chose to fly it,