Awaking in Autumn wasn't a sensation I would think of intuitively, but I'm really glad I listened. I learned a lot from the first track, also are you guys using crotales? The high pitched instrument sounds like it's doing pitch + octave up, is this doubling or intrinsic to the instrument? I like the percussive role the guitar plays sometimes.
The picture is really cool, but it didn't make sense to me until I heard the first few notes of "Scent of Spring" then I understood. What is that woodwind you guys are using I'm not too well versed, but is it a long dizi or bawu? I really love pentatonic sound, so this song got me good. Easily one of my favorites.
I like the pacing of "Whispers of Winter" and the more percussive route taken.
In "Love Lost" I really do appreciate how the texture of the synths change, the riser was also cool into percussion instruments. The synths are super cool for me, they are extremely musical in their expression. I do like how the theme was doubled by different instruments to move the song along but keep the central idea there.
For "Soul of Summer" I really like how u buildup the intro, its pretty bepic.
Overall really amazing submissions, nice job guys! My Fav is def Spring and Autumn.