Hi, I really like your game! I just want to share with you a method, so that people don't have to install python and pygame: You can make an .exe file.
The tool I recommend for that is 'pyinstaller' (pip install pyinstaller). In the cmd, navigate into your folder and use the command 'pyinstaller "pygame_arena.py" '.
I tried this and it turns out there are two things you have to slightly change in your code:
1. [ line 47 ]
BASICFONT = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 32)
==> BASICFONT = pygame.font.SysFont('Sans', 32, bold=True)
2. [ line 159 ]
==> music = pygame.mixer.Sound("music.mp3")
play it with: music.play(-1)
I am sure you can get this running and an executable is easier to use for people without python&pygame