My highscore is 23. I'm a German btw, which is funny ;)
Cool submission!
Hello there! I really like the progress you're making! The boss fights surprised me and are something I would have never thought of. My comment is actually shorter this time, because I can't think of any new ideas. Simply continue like this and try to stay motivated. By the way, did I miss an update? I think I did. Anyway, keep it up and have a nice day!
Hey! I'm impressed how fast you added the new environments. I now took the time to play as long as I could (which is theoretically endlessly long) and I think the game is too easy. I chopped a bunch of trees and then I could play half an hour using all the items and wood and without having to take down another tree. Other things I noticed (of course I do another list) :
- at some point, the guests stopped coming
- the spikes just cancel each other out -> what's the point?
- fire-item is still op
- the days are extremely long (5 min/day and I played 10 days before it became boring)
I think I didn't mention these before, because I thought that might sound like I didn't like TheFear. But I'm sure you understand some criticism of this kind.
Anyway, I really am a fan of where this is going, so keep it up and have a wonderful day!
As it is almost tradition by now, another comment from me! :)
But I don't have much to say this time. Just continue like that, and I always like to play the new versions. The new animals and guests (I want the encyclopedia), I noticed some more sound design, footsteps (nice little detail), collision...
I also see you're still working on the day-night cycle and another idea I had for the ambience would be weather: rain or fog? You don't have to do all of my ideas or be overwhelmed, I can however do what I want and share them anyway:
- skins to unlock and buy from a shop
- weather as mentioned
[...the ideas are getting more abstract now...]
- a tent to sleep and pass the night
- a level system with increasing difficulty (for beginners and advanced players)
Well, I did actually have much to say. Nonetheless, keep being motivated & inspired, don't feel forced to do anything you don't want and have a great day!
Okay, that update came fast and it's great! You already included foxes, fast moving squirrels (good idea), a day-night cycle, a new power-up (a bit op) and also guests!
I think you have enough ideas and inspiration and my only new idea would be an enemy that circles around the campfire with a decreasing radius. One 'problem' though that you might not be aware of: The best strategy I found is to harvest trees, clicking on each one three times like a berserk. When the screen is full of stuff and the fire almost extinguished, you have enough wood to refill the campfire and satisfy a guest. Then repeat. My mouse and my index finger feel abused now... but I got over 2000 wood, 70 health packs, 50 campfire lives... :D
What you can do is to maybe spread the trees all across the screen (more than 3, 20?). This makes it more like a forest and less efficient to only harvest the trees.
That's just one possibility, do what you feel is best for the game, don't overwork yourself and have a nice day! :)
Hi, I really like your game! I just want to share with you a method, so that people don't have to install python and pygame: You can make an .exe file.
The tool I recommend for that is 'pyinstaller' (pip install pyinstaller). In the cmd, navigate into your folder and use the command 'pyinstaller "pygame_arena.py" '.
I tried this and it turns out there are two things you have to slightly change in your code:
1. [ line 47 ]
BASICFONT = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 32)
==> BASICFONT = pygame.font.SysFont('Sans', 32, bold=True)
2. [ line 159 ]
==> music = pygame.mixer.Sound("music.mp3")
play it with: music.play(-1)
I am sure you can get this running and an executable is easier to use for people without python&pygame
Hi phealsout!
This game is interesting because the graphics are insanely good, however the game mechanics are too simple and become boring very quickly. You could maybe add power-ups, a greater variety of rockets with different attacks (e.g. one that circles around the sun?) and maybe some relaxing moments when fewer rockets come ...
I know it's for a game jam, but I really like Stellar Defense so far and there is much potential! :D
Another idea would be to control the rocket and avoid planets, stars, asteroids and black holes. That could be another game mode or Stellar Defense II.
Hopefully I could give some inspiration, for this one or your next project ;)
First of all, I really like the concept to protect the campfire from whatever comes out of the forest and I was a bit frightened when the first bear came.
I know that you are still developing, however what I think could make the game better is the following:
- the player should chop the tree automatically if he stands under the tree because clicking three times is annoying :)
- day/night cycle so that the night is even scarier
- bears, water etc come faster later on so that the difficulty increases
- more enemies/things for more variety (fox, badger, etc; stronger ones move slower)
- a main menu (with highscore, play button and maybe an encyclopedia of the discovered enemies, if you add more)
Maybe you have other interesting ideas, but hopefully I could help or give some inspiration. Keep it up!
To make an executable from a PyGame, I always use PyInstaller (install here: https://www.pyinstaller.org/).
If you like, you can additionally use another tool that just uses pyinstaller for you and provides an easy to use graphical interface (install here: https://pypi.org/project/auto-py-to-exe/).
Hope this helps!
Hi Mimijackz!
I really like the concept of mixing colors combined with the one dimension. I have seen other genres and I made a 1D-Platformer myself, but I have never seen this style before, and even with the option to choose rgb or cmy!
Great would be a way to see the score without having to count. Others include text in their 1d game (which I think is kind of cheating) and I used a rising column. Maybe an end-screen would be possible that shows as many stripes as the player made points, or something like that...
One small issue I had was that I could not mix all three colors together, somehow it did not work.
I hope I could give you some useful tips and praise for your unusual game :)