- Use of Theme - 2
- Reading the comments, I can see what you aimed to do, but ultimately the theme was not executed well in this game. The main game-loop is to mine/destroy asteroids to sell the ore to buy better equipment to mine/destroy more asteroids. Even if these were ships, you are essentially shooting them rather than recovering them.
- If the end goal was to repair a ship, or help a damaged planet recover, or tow ships/survivors back to the dock - then I would have marked it significantly higher.
- Gameplay - 3
- The base mechanics work as intended; however, there was no tension or real driver for me to play further - especially given the super slow start (like 10 runs for a basic upgrade). I went for an explore and the space is just the same everywhere. Nothing to do but collect ore - to get upgrades - to collect more ore. There needed to be a larger goal or conflict to keep me engaged.
- Creativity - 3
- The asteroid destruction system was a good idea and executed well
- Love a space-based game; however, nothing else really stood out as unique
- Art - 3
- The menus look good, apart from the small sliders in the settings
- The trade station and ore is placeholder art
- I like the rocket forward and back movement, but turning needs some animation as well
- Sound - 3
I noticed you had submitted this game for multiple jams over the same period. It just makes me wonder if this watered down your theme/design to meet the many different themes and requirements. For example, you mentioned down-scoping due to time - but chose to down-scope the only part of the game that was the "Recovery" theme (the salvage ships) rather than the supporting systems (shop, money, asteroid destruction system). It just makes me think of other directions you could have went with the same core, like having a game about a ship that tractor beams and tows ships back to base through asteroid/pirate territory rather than mining asteroids.