Its amazing that you took the time to write such detailed feedback, thank you very much! TO quickly address some of your points:
- The campaign difficulty/balance (especially last half) is still being tweaked. You were correct with your idea that the checkpoints in the campaign are sparse so you don't get 'stuck' by your choices (although you can always start a new campaign run if you need to)
- Similar with class/card balance, still being tweaked and thanks for your suggestions on that
- I agree with the hero powers, will look into ways for them to be more noticeable on the screen
- "Three times during my overall playing of this demo, I accidentally chose a card because I was clicking the centre of the screen when they appeared" Do you mean when selecting a card after winning a battle? Were you clicking in the middle of the screen early or something like that?
- We will be updating the playable character art soon, I agree some of them don't quite fit
- Thanks for reporting those bugs, will get cracking on them