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Its simple, but Fun.

Didn't really encounter any bugs.

I'd like it that if I click somewhere further away the player moved to that space and not only 1 tile in that direction, also a bit more feedback when getting hit would be great I think, Its easy to loose track off your health since nothing indicates the Enemy damaged you, apart from common sense.

Combat feels a bit unrewarding, occassionally you get some bad food, but my Inventory was full with better food most of the Time anyway, maybe some kind of experience System so its worth it more to fight enemies in your Path? Don't know if that'd actually fit the Game tho.

Thank you for the feedback.

Will probably need some audio/visual indicator when health reaches a certain point, and I should probably have health bars instead of hearts.

You're right it's pretty much pointless to fight most enemies right now. But I don't want to encourage people to grind killing every single enemy for exp. Maybe all enemies should sometimes spawn with loot?


I think every Enemy might probably be a bit much, just some more variation/useful drops then meat would be alright I guess.