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Beautiful atmosphere. I thought that the combat wasn’t engaging. I think the player’s moveset feels fine, but its really strong compared to enemies, due to your very high mobility.

I think the easiest fix would to just increase the range of all enemy’s moves a lot and to let them move while attacking. If the hitboxes go outside what makes sense for the model you could offset that difference with vfx.

I think tuning the enemies to have more dramatic, large, complicated attacks would close the gap the best. Charge attacks, jump attacks, spin moves, etc. I would inflate the hitboxes to sizes large enough to be difficult to jump out of. again, If the hitboxes go outside what makes sense for the model you could offset that difference with vfx.

Bug: after taking fall damage and entering the prone state, I tried to get up by holding forward and jumping. I remained prone, performed a jump, and then fell out of the world

Thank you for playing, I'll think about adjusting Enemy attacks.