>It is optimistic to believe a player that don't know anything about the game will do 4 combos regularly, much less 8.
That's very fair, I've been playing this kind of match-3 mechanics for so many years that I can't hope to guess how good an average new player is. If the current custom seeds are doing a poor job as a bridge in difficulty I reckon I will have to think up a more structured one with easier enemy movesets, more movement time and a more generous damage calculation formula.
I was forgetting to reply to this also:
>Clicking an orb and dropping it in the same place counts as a move somehow and ends the turn instead of it cancelling the move altogether.
I haven't been able to reproduce this bug on mobile nor on browser: There's some browser-only unintended behavior caused by the mouse going out of the screen bounds, which I don't intend to address given that the online version is only temporary, for this DD.