It's a shame about the crash, maybe if you can try fix it they might let you re-submit?
I had a look in the .js Console while running the Game, it seems that during the start up (loading the menu) there is a NullReferenceException Error Followed by another one When you Start the Round/Level, the game crashes on Error(216) can't tell what is the cause of this possibly related to the 2 previous NullReferenceException.
For you info (if you don't already know) NullReferenceException's are normally triggered when you are trying to do something with an object that hasn't been assigned, say in this case once you shoot the enemy you wan to Instantiate a new enemy GameObject but you haven't assigned anything to that game object or the assignment is sitting too late in your stack.
Just something to look out for or consider, I hope you can get it sorted!