hey there! thank you so much for the compliments! (and the keyboard smashes and all caps; i'm pretty fond of those myself lol) i really appreciate it! it took me by surprise that you managed to find this thing!; i feel like it's a bit buried haha. i really try to make my characters relateable and realistic, so i'm glad that you could find something to relate to santi about haha :). (of course, they say write what you know, and in-game avatar dissatisfaction is something i'm all too familiar with haha.)
i really do hope to create more games in the future! the problem is, of course, ideas! (whether lack of them or excess of them!) currently, i'm working on a comic, so i have been primarily focused on that as well, but i'm almost done with the first draft which means (drumroll please) a chance to start another project!!!! if you have any ideas, i'd love to hear them. creativity is at its peak in collaboration (that's what i think, anyway)!
currently, i'm only on wattpad. my account is @ soft-spots if you'd like to follow me there. i don't have much up yet besides some poems and flash fiction, but i hope to update it soon. what i *do* have, though, is a version of "deep breaths" with a couple of additional scenes i added just to make up for the fact that it's slightly less interactive! so that works out nicely if you are a fan of this :D.
you totally made my day and you seem super cool! feel free to reach out whenever!