Yes for my first solo game jam I am very proud and satisfied with the result.
No honestly this is the best feedback I could ask for, you need someone to say this to actually improve it.
The timing it to a rhythm I thought would have been really hard which is why I left it out in case I didn't finish in time.
I was worried by adding too much juice and stuff that I would reduce the visual clarity of the game and hence make it hard to see the boxes. But I think through this I made it not quite juicy enough.
Also when it comes to UI and particles I was really struggling to get this to work as I had initially planned for it as it's juicy. The combo would have exploded with particles as you say. But when I tried making a ring for it, the distance from it to the camera warped it slightly so it was more of a sideways oval. Do you know how I can get the particles to actually be on the canvas with the UI?
I also planned to slice the meshes like Beatsaber but didn't have time for that.
What did you think of the sfx as that was my first time ever making any?
Yes I can see why it can get boring quickly as the only motivations for the player here are to beat their own score and also to enjoy the feeling of it/aesthetics. I would have liked a high score system or leaderboard from friends and stuff to add more motivation, and also different levels of songs and the percentage that the player got correct. So that way completionists would be motivated to max out every level, etc.
Seriously appreciate the feedback!