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Hi there fellow dev!

I just played your game and I loved it. I’m definitely going to play some more, when I have some more time!

I cannot believe, I haven’t noticed this game before today. Looks like it's been out for a quite a while.

I have listed some feedback. Hope you can make good use of it.


  • Great level design. Also, all the 3d models look amazing and unique.  
  • The artwork is really well made. Both all the UI and the loading screen.
  • All audio is spot on.
  • The combat system seemed to work pretty good, and quite simple to use. This includes the tumble and speed ability too.
  • Animations are top notch
  • The way of resting the player, seems like a unique and good mechanic for this type of game.
  • The quality of life feature, when looting an item it gets showcased if it’s an upgrade or not. That’s a big plus!


  • Missing something to display the player’s health. I had no idea how much health I had.
  • Way too many weapons lying around. You should remove some of those.
  • Missing some additional inventory space to collect more weapons, armor etc. You could then make an option to trade or disassemble them for crafting materials. Otherwise most of the equipment lying around seems uninteresting to me.
  • Unable to change mouse sensitivity. Default sensitivity is a bit high.
  • Another QoL could be to automatically pick up coins when looting. Just a suggestion.

All in all, I think it’s a very good game. I’m excited to see how this game develops and I would love to play the full game, when it’s ready. Keep it up!

I also have a few questions, because I’m a little curious. 

  • How many devs are on your team or are you working solo?
  • Are you using Unity’s URP/HDRP?
  • Do you have any plans for multiplayer play also?

Thank you for great feedback!

We already made some improvements. Now the health level is always displayed when health less than 90%. Also we decreased default sensitivity. (BTW you adjust camera sensitivity in Settings, but I agree the default one was too high). Also we are working on other improvements and new features.

We are the team of 4 men. We are using Standard Render Pipeline in Unity 2021. Currently we are focused on single player game and multiplayer may be theoretically be made only after main game finished. Thank you!


Thanks for your reply!

I'm glad you found my feedback helpful and also that you keep working hard on the game.