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“… Left corner of the room, right hand covering your mouth as your legs are being pinned to your chest… I told you already… it’s p o i n t l e s s.”

"How the hell-"

Suddenly, ren was grasp by what seemed like a large hand, formed from the very shadows.. or entity’s he sees all around Samson now, lifting him in front of him.. as the grasp was deathly tight..

So strangling him?

Oh no, think like an almost Ren sized hand, it just grabbed his entire body, expect his head.



“… You hurt me Ren, you hurt me so ever much more than you think.”

(1 edit)

"Well I'm sorry, okay?!"

..Your own ex is your enemy.

“.. You think a simple SORRY-?!”

He slammed into the wall once, holding him in front of himself once again-

“… Is even meaningful? Oh, so I should expect -random name-, to be fine if I used his toy, since apparently it’s alright to use someone for everything they have, correct?”

"P-Please-j-just put me down-"

Tears started rolling down his cheek-real ones. He was hurt-he was currently regretting everything he did-he just-wanted to be freed.