[May 6, 2020, 2:36 PM - Levels Online Log 1 - Conceptualization]
"Battery Chad Builder: Levels Online"
Official Concept Mockup
It is important to note that what you are about to look at is just a concept. A concept that we are actively trying to make a reality, but a concept nonetheless. None of the images are actual screenshots, they are just mockups made by me of what the service would ideally look like. I am in collaboration with a user on Discord who is generously using his knowledge of VisualStudio to help potentially make this a reality, HOWEVER, even though there's a good likelihood of it being made, no promises.
“Battery Chad Builder Online Levels” is to be a separate program from the “Battery Chad Builder” game, that will be included with the download of the game.
Profile Creation
When you boot the program, you will be prompted to sign up or sign in. While this is not the final version of it, there will be some sort of account system.
Title Screen
When the program has successfully booted up and you are signed in, you will be brought to this title screen with the three options “Search”, “Upload” and “Random”. Let’s explore what each one does.
When you press the “Search” option, you should see a screen similar to this.
Here you select if you are entering an ID or searching for something by name. If you choose “Search By Name” and type nothing, the program will simply show levels in order of most recently uploaded. However, once you start typing, you will see a screen such as this:
As you can see, there are three categories, “Levels”, “Worlds” and “Profiles”. This way you can search for single levels, a group of levels, or a level creator, with ease. Here is what a Level Page will look like:
You will notice it displays a level name, level theme, level length and Level ID. The Level ID can be used to take someone directly to the level without having to look through search results-- think of it as a URL of sorts. There are three buttons. The first one displays the level creator’s name, and if you click on it, it will take you to their page. The second one says “Copy To Clipboard”, which will copy the level code to your clipboard so you can paste it into Battery Chad Builder. The final button, “Return”, will take you back to whatever page you came from-- in this case, the search results. Also know (and this applies to worlds as well) that if the page in question is owned by the person looking at it, there will be a small garbage can icon in the top-right corner to delete it. Next, here is what a World Page will look like:
This is fundamentally the same thing as a Level Page, however instead of displaying screen count and level theme, it will display a level length. It will also have a World ID, which will function the same way as a Level ID. The same three buttons are here, and they have the exact same function. Now lastly, here is what a Profile Page will look like:
Here you will see their profile name, Profile ID, level count and world count. This time, you will see the buttons “View Levels” and “View Worlds”. Clicking on one of these will bring you to a similar page as the search results, except it’s exclusively levels (or worlds) made by this profile. The “Return” button has the same function as always. Each profile can have up to 100 levels or worlds. Not 100 of each, but 100 slots to upload either a level or a world. This concludes the search function. Now, let’s look at what happens if you’ve selected “Upload”.
When you select “Upload” from the menu, it should bring you to a screen like this:
It’s important to note that from here on out, the version of these pages for worlds will look pretty much exactly the same, just substituting the word “Level” with “World”. Once you decide what it is you’re uploading, you’ll fill out the information on a page like this:
Here you can see you may fill out the text fields with the required information. There is a 32 character limit for the name, but no character limit for the code. While yes, somebody could technically upload a level as a world, or vice versa, or even just type something that isn’t a code in the code box, all levels found with these things will be manually deleted. The same goes for levels/worlds that are impossible to clear (with few exceptions, such as glitch showcase levels [which are encouraged, it will help me patch glitches, and I’ll credit you in the game as a bugfinder!]). Now you can either click the “Upload” button to upload your level/world, or the “Cancel” button to abort the upload. Assuming you clicked “Upload” and all went well, you’ll see a screen like this:
Here you can copy your Level/World ID, and click the “Ok” button to exit the screen. However, should something go wrong for whatever reason, such as a problem with our servers, or not being connected to the internet, it should bring you to a screen like this:
This concludes the “Upload” section of the program. Now let’s look at “Random” button.
Lastly, the “Random” option. Simply put, it will give you a random code. First it will go to a screen like this, where you select if you are looking for a random level or a random world:
Next, it will take you to a screen like this:
As you can see, it’s essentially just a level page, but with an additional button that says “Another”, which will simply give you another random code.
Lastly, not that I can share it here, but I’ve created a song that will loop in the program. It will be included in future versions of the soundtrack.
Remember, this is ALL a concept. Nothing is set in stone. Features shown here here other than the basic fundamental features are not guaranteed, and the program as a whole isn’t guaranteed either. I am looking at compatible (and affordable) servers, and the wonderful fellow helping to try and make this is working on… well, making it. These images were originally created to give him a reference of what he’s trying to build, and according to him, everything I have should be doable. I will give you updates as I get them, and remember to stay tuned.
[May 4, 2020, 4:52 AM - v0.2.5 - The HTML Update]
Battery Chad Builder v0.2.5 is here! What's new? Speed!
Battery Chad Builder is now a lag-free experience!
Battery Chad Builder is now capable of running at a speed that's over 50% faster than before. You can fill an entire screen with blocks and the game will barely budge. This is because from here on out, Battery Chad Builder will run in HTML instead of Flash! The flash version will still exist and be updated, but for obvious reasons, it's no longer recommended. This also means there can now be a browser version! Enjoy the new speed!
[May 4, 2020, 4:28 PM - v0.2.6 - The Slopes Update]
Battery Chad Builder v0.2.6 is here... SLOPES!!
That's right, slopes are now in Battery Chad Builder!
Remember, two new campaign modes should be coming to the game shortly!
[May 6, 2020, 12:28 PM - v0.2.7 - The Second Slopes Update]
Battery Chad Builder v0.2.7 is here... MORE SLOPES!!
More free Battery Chad Builder DLC, woohoo!
Just as a reminder, there are still two new campaign modes being worked, so there's that to look forward to! In the meantime, just a few little updates to tide you over.
Added two new slopes!
Upon realizing I may have made a pretty bad "oopsie" when I considered how slopes may interact with Gravity Switches, I decided to fix this problem by simply adding upside-down slopes!
Now, right-side-up slopes will only have collision when Gravity Switches are set to "Down", and vice versa! Whew, crisis averted!
Improved Collision!
Chad's collision is now MUCH much better. No more clipping into walls, no more spam-all-the-buttons-to-walk-through-block glitches, no more sticking to walls if you're falling while pushed against one-- player collision has officially been mostly de-janked.
I also made a quick fix to the UI, as there was a sizing issue with the item wheel.
Again, remember, there are still two new campaign modes on the way! As well as that, the new "Levels Online" program and an updated soundtrack with new art and music will be coming out soon-ish, likely sometime in the summer. Remember to stay inside, wash your hands, and practise social distancing. If all this free video-game stuff can't motivate you to do that, I don't know what can.
[May 7, 2020, 9:12 PM - v0.2.9 - The Help Update]
Battery Chad Builder v0.2.9 is here! Take a look...
Battery Chad Builder v0.2.9 has added some new features that make playing levels a lot more polished! While playing a level, you'll notice if you hover your mouse towards the top of the screen, there are some buttons...
Added Level Retry!
While playing a level, have you ever been in a pickle? Found yourself stuck, softlocked or in too deep? Well boy have I got a feature for you-- now while playing a level, you can restart it from the beginning to set everything back to its original state! You will, however, have to start from the beginning, and lose all your checkpoints.
Added Inspection Mode!
If you're ever playing a level and find yourself unaware of what a certain item or mechanic is, Inspection Mode is here to help! Simply click the magnifying glass and it will follow your mouse, then hover it over any item to see its co-responding tip! To exit Inspection Mode, just click the magnifying glass again.
Battery Chad v0.3.0 is on the way, and it will have two new campaign modes, so stay tuned! Remember to join our Discord server to not only share your own levels and worlds, but play others' as well: https://discord.gg/zmr9hkK
[May 11, 2020, 3:57 AM - v0.3.0 - The Release Update]
Battery Chad Builder VERSION 0.3.0 is here!! This is the official release version of the game!
Made many changes and bugfixes!
This update has changed quite a few things to make the game more intuitive and user-friendly. Minor tweaks have been made, such as the "Create World" button now saying "Compile World", the option to cancel out of loading dialogues by typing nothing and pressing enter, as well as other small details. There have also been many glitches fixed and the game is overall less janky now.
Updated Soundtrack!
The soundtrack has gotten quite the overhaul-- not only have the album art and release year been updated, but there are tons of new tracks-- in fact, the original 10 tracks have updated to a whopping 38! Now the soundtrack includes edit themes, play themes, and "mix" themes, which are both the edit and play versions overlapped! This soundtrack also now contains the full soundtrack to 'Battery Chad: Shock the World', and of course, even though it hasn't been released yet, the theme for the Levels Online program.
Updated Campaign Modes!
"Battery Chad: Timeset Trouble" and "Battery Chad: Airborne Accuracy" have now been added as campaign modes!
They have also been added as worlds to "Battery Chad Builder: Ultimate Campaign". Speaking of, a special exclusive bonus level has been added to the end of "Battery Chad: Ultimate Campaign", which not only brings the level count to 55, but also serves as a nice rewarding and challenging treat to those who beat the ultimate campaign!
This game is now officially released!
The game has gone from being "Early Access" to being "Complete/Stable". I truly believe the game is at a state where it has enough content and stability to be a fully released game, that I only see myself patching for reasons such as bugfixing or optimization. The only guaranteed patch after the current one is for the release of Levels Online. Thank you all for joining me on this journey, it truly has been very amazing, this is by far my favourite game I have ever worked on and in my opinion, it's the best one I've made. I hope to see all of your awesome levels and worlds! Remember to join our Discord server (https://discord.gg/zmr9hkK), and continue to shock the world!