This is a series of updates that were made to the game in chronological order. These updates were made when the game was primarily hosted on a different site (which I have now ditched due to creative differences) and this is essentially a re-logging of them for archival purposes.
Chapter 1: The Classic Updates
These were updates made to the game shortly after it was initially released in 2019. These updates are just small changes I made to the game before taking a development hiatus.
[September 27, 2019, 5:54 PM - v0.0.2 - Pre-set Ground]
Hey friends!
Just released v0.0.2, added Pre-Set Ground and made a few bug fixes and general optimizations. Please re-download, and enjoy!
[September 28, 2019, 10:42 PM - v0.0.5 - The Score Update]
Patch v0.0.5
Hello once again!
Second patch that actually adds something; while v0.0.4 (hopefully) mostly fixed the physics, this just adds some quality of life changes.
-Added Score Requirement (set a number between 0 and 999999 that must match the player's score before they can beat the level)
-Dungeon clouds are now windows
-Fixed Sinkling colour issue
-Now when loading levels, the theme will be changed before loading blocks instead of after
These changes will affect your saved levels. To fix them, follow these 3 easy steps:
- Cut the last two characters of your old code
- After the first ten characters of your old code, type "000000" and then paste your last two characters
- Bravo! Code fixed!
[September 28, 2019, 11:23 PM - v0.0.6 - Alternative Forms]
Patch v0.0.6
New alternative forms! Click things to change them!
Dirt can now be changed into Yellow Blocks, and in the future, I'll add the fast-running Sinkling as well!
[September 29, 2019, 3:43 AM - v0.0.7 - The Worlds Update]
Patch v0.0.7
Create and save a whole game to a single code!
Introducing "World Codes"!!
You can now save up to 99 levels to a single "World Code", meaning you can create an ENTIRE GAME with Battery Chad Builder, and save it to a .txt document! How cool is that?
Chapter 2: The Revival Updates
These are updates I made when I revived the game in March of 2020 after not touching it for a while. These updates are where the majority of content currently in the game was added. I went all out, adding brand new characters and mechanics made specifically for this game.
[March 12, 2020, 7:29 PM - v0.0.9 - The Revival Update]
Battery Chad Builder v0.0.9 is now out, with 5 all-new enemies, 3 new blocks, instant level loading and much more! Read the article to check out what's new.
Levels now load almost instantly!
Get that world up and running in under 10 seconds!
Added Slowfall!
When Chad is falling, use your shock attack to slow his descent! This classic mechanic from Battery Chad: Shock the World is finally here!
Added Tapswitches and Hot/Cold Blocks!
When the Tapswitch is set to cold, the Cold Blocks are solid and the Hot Blocks are non-solid. But when set to hot, the roles reverse! Chad can activate the Tapswitch by shocking it, or getting an enemy to shock it for him.
Added Wattbot!
A lightbulb enemy who will jump at Chad!
Added Hosenose!
This garden hose will track Chad's movement and crawl to wherever he is! To make matters worse, it can walk through anything...
Added Wheatwalker!
Want some toast? Hope so, because this toaster is ready to shoot some at you, or rather, at Chad. This fella has got no shortage of bread, unless you're in the Layer-cake theme, in which case he'll shoot Pop Tarts! Look out!
Added Stormfluff!
Such an adorable name for a cold-blooded cloud... this grey guy will spark with lightning every now and then, and when he does, look out-- that means he's about to zap Chad!
Added Lenslooker!
This may look like an ordinary video camera at first, but you just know a camera isn't normal when it stares at you. Lenslooker is usually looking away from the player, but every so often, Lenslooker squints one of his eyes open, and when he does, that's your warning to start staying still! Lenslooker will then turn around and watch for 5 seconds, and if he doesn't see Chad move, he'll fall back asleep... but if he DOES see Chad move, well, get ready for a bullet explosion!
And there's more on the way!
There are campaign modes being developed, bosses will soon be added, a Player's Guidebook is also in the works-- not to mention, Battery Chad: Topdown Turmoil is in development, which will even feature some of these new enemies!
[March 17, 2020, 1:09 AM - v0.1.0 - The Bosses Update]
Uh oh...
Battery Chad Builder v0.1.0 is here!
First, boring stuff:
-Fixed Item Wheel Glitch!
-Improved Wattbot Physics!
Okay, now cool stuff.
Added "Play" Button!
The Space key is no longer the only way to begin a level!
Added "Play From Screen" Button!
By clicking this button or pressing SHIFT+SPACE, you can start playing the level from a specific screen!
Added UI Auto-Hide!
Tired of holding C while building? UI elements will now helpfully move out of the way, all on their own, when you're building a level and your mouse gets close to them!
Added "BOSSES" Wheel!
Boss enemies have 3 different difficulty modes that you can toggle by clicking them in the editor! Green = Easy, Yellow = Normal and Red = Hard! Boss enemies can behave in unique ways depending on their difficulty.
Added Blackout!
What's a great boss for Battery Chad? Why of course-- a giant battery! Blackout will laugh, smite and jump towards Chad and try to crush him, but make sure you don't use your shock attack, or you'll "charge" his health up! Instead, wait for Blackout to... drain... himself of energy!
Added Sinkautro!
Sinkautro is finally here! Chad can have fun defeating his long-time nemesis, Sinkautro! Sinkautro will go around the edges of the screen until being shocked or hurting Chad! In Hard difficulty, Sinkautro will shoot water blasts at Chad!
What's Coming:
Campaign modes are currently being developed! These campaigns will be full Battery Chad platforming game adventures! The next update should add "Battery Chad: Power Panic" as a campaign mode! Remember to post your awesome levels to our Discord server:
[March 18, 2020, 12:49 AM - v0.1.1 - The Campaigns Update]
Battery Chad Builder v0.1.1 is here, and so are campaign modes! Read all about it in this article!
Version 0.1.1 has released! What does it add? Well, simply put--
Campaign Mode is finally here! Or rather, campaign modes...
The title screen now features a "Campaigns" button, which upon being clicked will take you to this screen:
Here you have 3 6-level campaigns, "Battery Chad: Recharged and Reloading", "Battery Chad: Power Panic" and "Battery Chad: Plugged and Powered". These bite-sized campaigns show off some ideas for how to use your simple toolset to create fun, challenging levels! But what if you'd rather play one long, continuous set of levels? Well, "Battery Chad Builder: Ultimate Campaign" will load all 3 campaign modes as if they were one single campaign mode, so you can enjoy 18 brand-new official Battery Chad levels as though you were playing a brand new game! Neat, right? We thought so too! Enjoy the new content, and remember to share your OWN campaign modes on our Discord server:
Now you're playing with power-- Battery Power!
Oh, and this update also adds a handful of secret easter-eggs... see if you can find them!
[March 26, 2020, 10:20 AM - v0.1.3 - The Key Update]
Battery Chad Builder v0.1.3-- "The Key Update"-- is here! What's new? 12 new additions! Read all about it here.
Added Lava!
Remember that bubbly stuff in Battery Chad: Shock the World? Well, it's here now too as an alternate form for Skulls! What does that mean? It means after placing some Skulls, click them, and they will change into Lava!
Added Locks!
A solid block at first glance... however, if Chad happens to have obtained a key and touches one of these "solid blocks", it will suddenly disappear, and Chad can walk through it! Wait, what if there are two locks? Well, as long as Chad has two keys, it shouldn't be an issue!
Added Keys!
These shiny collectables unlock Locks, and respond to gravity as well as Arrow Blocks!
Added Arrow Blocks!
Right and Left Arrow blocks that make Chad walk without the need for user input, an Up Arrow block that will make Chad jump, and a Down Arrow block, that Chad can teleport beneath if he presses "S" while standing on one! However, these incredible auto-moving blocks move not only Chad, but Keys as well! Perhaps some contraptions are made possible with this...?
Added Battery Boxes!
If there are two of these in a level, touching one of them will take Chad to the other one! It's basically a warp box... you can place up to 2 pairs of Battery Boxes per level!
Added Tips!
Don't know what something does? No problem! Now whenever selecting an item from the item wheel, a non-intrusive box will appear in the centre of the screen containing the block name, block ID, block collision, block category, and a brief description with details such as mechanics and alternate forms! And best of all, they're optional-- if for whatever reason you don't like the tips, simply press "X" to toggle them on or off!
And there's more on the way!
To showcase all these new features, a new campaign mode "Battery Chad: King of Keys" is in the works! When complete, a 0.1.4 patch will release, including the campaign mode as both an option on the "campaigns" menu, and an added world to "Battery Chad Builder: Ultimate Campaign"! Get ready!
[March 27, 2020, 2:13 PM - v0.1.4 - Disc Von Doom]
Small Patch v0.1.4
Various bugfixes, two additions
Sadly no new campaign mode yet
Added Disc Von Doom!
Added a "backwards" button for the wheel!
There are enough wheel categories now that this was necessary.