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Hello, there was a problem from the beginning in chapter4. You're not supposed to go down the crater with the rope until the end of chapter 4. First you have to find out what's in the coded blast door. Therefore, it is a mistake to be able to go down the crater and go to chapter 5 so soon. I have already corrected that. You can only go down the crater at the end of chapter 4.

You have to enter a code on the armored door. You have to add 264 + 264 because there are two signs with the same number and because Weena somewhere tells you that they are numbers that complement each other. So I thought that the one who put that armored door there (John Titor) put that key, the sum of the two signs, the only ones there are.

I'm going to fixing the other English spelling errors. Thanks!!

So it was because of this "East" and "Este" bug that I could not figure it out :) When at the mountain wall with huge closed stone door, you can select "East" and "Este". "East" will give you the GL264 code, while "Este" will make you go east.  I thought it was a bug I got the GL264 code from the dome here also, but it was just the menu text that was wrong. 

"East" should be corrected to "Examine inscription on stone door" and "Este" should be "East" instead.

Part 4:

"Weena somewhere tells you that they are numbers that complement each other" ????? Where ??? I think this is not included in the English version ??

"Los tentáculos sueltan a la muchacha" is not translated.

The 3rd number on the door lock can be 255 if you by mistake decrease when on 0. 

I think these are the final bugs. After fixing them all that remains is some more language corrections here and there, but also the worst bugs in this is fixed...

The next week i will fix all errors. This week iam very busy a lot of job. Thanks Spirit003!

Part 4 is now impossible to pass. The game crashes when looking at the signs and Weena tells you that the signs complement each other, and at the volcanic crater you can only exam the rope, you can not use the rope...