Sweet game! Only thing I would change is add a cooldown to frost nova or polymorph, or add a limit on Magic dusts. You can cheese the whole game from level 8 ( Just get adrenaline rush / frost nova) Frost nova - Magic dust - Repeat until everythings dead. I went to gurubashi arena at level 8 and was able to complete the whole thing. Walked out lvl 12 with Ashkandi and the 1 shotted the rest of the game. Although I haven't found the onyxia portal, I got the blood talisman and no matter how many times I go left/right it never spawns. Any ideas? Great remake thank you !
Hey bud! Glad you enjoyed it! So I am currently improving the combat system which will include limits and cooldowns for most abilities but in essence will be a whole shakeup. The only reason I did choose to add these odd combat features was to get the game actually out and keep it to as faithful remake as I could! Now that is complete there will be a version coming out .... eventually that includes more zones, mobs etc. As for your Ony issue, you need to be level 20 and also have the talisman equipped for the portal to be present. Hope this helps!