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So, speaking with full honesty, I downloaded this more out of curiosity than expectation - more of an "It might be good?" rather than being excited for it. And I owe the creator an apology, because that was a gross injustice.

This game was absolutely fantastic. I went through so many emotions as I went through the various routes - confusion, chills, heartache, desperate sympathy, and finally delight - and the story was told so well, through the snippets, the hints, and the revelations. From such a simple premise, we're walked through a rich but desperate background, a horrific present (of sorts), and if you pick the right choices, you might even find a happy future.

In particular, I love that Alec was such a well-written character; he was so fucking tragic without it feeling tiresome or excessive, and at the same time it was so simply presented that he still felt incredibly relatable. What could have fallen into a Mary-Sue archetype instead felt so human and so authentic that I couldn't help wanting things to work out for him - I became wholly invested in him finding the happiness he deserved.

Download it, play a couple of routes for yourself, then work through the ending guide to get the full story - it's absolutely worth your time.


Thank you! This is such a lovely comment! I'm glad it was able to resonate so well. Thank you again so much for playing!


Big agree to all of this. I too downloaded like "looks a little interesting, might be good", but man, did it end up absolutely blowing me away. Absolute masterpiece, 10/10.

Thank you so much!!


You're welcome! ^_^