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the good:

I love your character design! and the level design as well. and animations, and movement was good

the bad:

It is a cool ability! but... honestly i found it annoying that it was only one use. and i had to go back and recharge. some advice is maybe have it use 3 or 4 uses, display a bar indicating how many uses you got left, before you need to go back and recharge


(just happened to find this comment, actually this has been implemented! If you see the circles around the player increase in number as you gather more of the grey pick ups. It was so well nested in the sprite and the mechanics I almost missed it, had a "wow moment"!)

(1 edit) (+1)

wait was that explained!? I didn't know that you can collect it more than once!? I was aware of that visual when you would collect, the ear thingys they would glow


Not explained as in "through text", but through gameplay.

Yep! The ear things also increase in number.


I thought the extra sprites for collection were a nice touch, maybe too subtle if people are missing it, but I noticed the change and it clicked. The understated design and teaching is nice, but hard in jams because I think we’re all playing a little quicker than we normally would because we want to try and give as much feedback as we can during whatever allotted time we have for a session, so you can miss a subtle hint that your abilities have shifted.