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Can I teleport as a ninja? Shuriken!

This was an interesting concept and a fun game to play. I played on stream if you want to check it out. I like that the art style is cohesive throughout. Some of the animations are a little odd, like his knee bends forward, but the back part of it doesn't follow, but then I loved the animation detail you put into his ninja hood flowing when I ran around. 

My main critique would be to drop the jump. Take away the player's jump and force me to use the mechanic for all movement. I played a small segment where when I jumped it was just any other platformer, but when I had to shuriken teleport to get to the location it was a fun challenge. If you are going to keep the jump I would remap it to "W" instead of the spacebar.

Overall, great entry. I really enjoyed this one. I liked seeing your progress on Discord and was pumped to try it out for myself. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for the detailed feedback! I'll definitely be changing a lot of the stuff you suggested. I might remove the jump, but I think what I may end up doing is either making the platforms so spread apart that the jump becomes useless on it's own, or just make it so you can't jump that high. Also, I watched your stream, just so you know, the "me when the cafe is at 3am" part is a reference to one of my other games, it's kind of an inside joke lol

Gotcha on the inside joke. I appreciated that you had a little Easter egg in there even if I didn’t get the reference. Made me feel good as a player to discover something.