Can I teleport as a ninja? Shuriken!
This was an interesting concept and a fun game to play. I played on stream if you want to check it out. I like that the art style is cohesive throughout. Some of the animations are a little odd, like his knee bends forward, but the back part of it doesn't follow, but then I loved the animation detail you put into his ninja hood flowing when I ran around.
My main critique would be to drop the jump. Take away the player's jump and force me to use the mechanic for all movement. I played a small segment where when I jumped it was just any other platformer, but when I had to shuriken teleport to get to the location it was a fun challenge. If you are going to keep the jump I would remap it to "W" instead of the spacebar.
Overall, great entry. I really enjoyed this one. I liked seeing your progress on Discord and was pumped to try it out for myself. Thanks for sharing.