is that hastune Mike
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I like the story and the way the different bullet colors add variation. However, the main mechanic can be frustrating. It makes the game feel slow at times, and you can easily miss the white balls, since the player can't move very fast. I think the radius for picking them up is also a bit off. You can sometimes have a large part of the player touching the ball without the picking it up, which doesn't feel too fair. Nice work though.
The depth here is crazy. I love how many cards there are, it really helps make the runs feel unique. The boss battle itself is also really good. I like how it combines a lot of the things about the other ships and mashes them all together into one big enemy. (or three, technically) My one complaint is I wish there was some way to heal yourself.
There's a massive amount of polish here. So many effects! I love the plethora of different attacks Curt has. I found it pretty hard, but I'm glad you included an "assist mode." I think it would feel more fair if the lasers were more widely spaced out, as some of the gaps you had to squeeze through to fit in the laser areas were pretty small, and when combined with the other attacks, like the bullet wall, and the dropper guy, it could sometimes be unavoidable to take damage. I still really liked it though.
Nice! This was a fun little racing boss battle with some really fun mechanics. I liked the bubbles, as they could help you gain a lot of vertical height to get on those upper pathways without as many cogs. I also liked that you could jump on the rat. Not really much I would change here, but some music would be nice.
This is a really nice vampire survivor-esque game. The art looks good for the most part, other than the ui, and even though there is really heavy pixel scaling here I'll give it a pass since it doesn't really detract too much from the look of the game. As for the gameplay, I liked how you not only choose your power-ups but also your power-downs. It adds a lot of depth to the builds you can make. The bosses themselves are all unique. I like that they all have their own music themes. One small nitpick though, when you have a ton of the spread shot upgrade, it fires to the right of your mouse cursor and isn't centered. Really good entry though.
I enjoyed the dialogue changes, and the story fitting the mechanics. The slowing down time thing is also really nicely done. I also liked the music, and how it gets more intense as the fight goes on. However, I think the game is definitely really hard, mainly because it's difficult to get any hits on the boss. I think the main problem with the bosses difficulty is that the only time he stops shooting stuff is right after hes moved. This makes it feel a little luck-based on whether he'll move somewhere right next to you and let you get a hit, or move just far away enough so he'll start shooting again when you approach him. I would make it so he shoots, waits a second to let the player get some hits in, and then moves and repeats the cycle. Even though it was too hard for me, I do see a lot of potential in the game. The story is really interesting, and I would love to see it expanded.
This is a really good entry. I liked the hectic bullet patterns of the bosses, where they would start off pretty easy, and get challenging real fast. I think my favorite was the 4th boss, I really liked the push/pull mechanics, and I think it used them very well. I also really love the final boss and how it kind of ties back with the main mechanics of the game. I think the gun-making and mashing space rapidly to get as much damage in as possible is satisfying, but I do think it could be made even more satisfying. For example, if the player became invincible and had bullets bounce off of them while they have the gun, maybe even a music change. I also think it'd be nice if the scraps would spawn instantly after you pick one up, (although you'd have to give the bosses more health), so there's less waiting around and more go-pick-that-thing-up action. But, those are just some small things I noticed. Great work!
The art here is just all around awesome. The phase changing animations are really good. I think more telegraphing on the boss would be nice, because he kind of just slams down unexpectedly, which didn't feel too fair. Other than that, the mechanics and platforming were really good. So overall, awesome game.
The art is really good. Like, really good. I think the concept is also pretty intriguing. However, some of the bosses feel unfair. I think adding checkpoints between them could help a lot, so you could learn their attacks better. The first boss was pretty good. The skull car has an awesome design. However, you can get stuck between the wall and the car and basically just lose instantly, and it also doesn't have much telegraphing on it's attacks. The third phase was also pretty good, although the lasers made some hits impossible to avoid. However, on the 4th phase, I'm not quite sure how to dodge the hands, since the skull also hurts you, and there don't seem to be any spaces that you can fit through. Also, the player sometimes disappears for a bit when they take damage, which made it a bit confusing on where you are and caused me to lose a lot. While I personally found it too hard, I think if you decide to expand on this in a feature round, and fix up some of the issues, it could definitely be a really solid entry.