Update Jan 2022:
Happy New Year! Not sure where the time went but hope all players are doing well!
Latest update is that we are continuing to press forward and that things are going well! We've finished most of the testing for bugs through week 3. We have a new demo that is much smaller! The game in general had lots of fixes to files and artwork so it wouldn't be so massive anymore! All but one Chibi can now be seen in the Relationships screen! (Casidra will have one eventually!) Two CG's can be seen in the Gallery with the latest demo. More CG work is still being done, but again our artist has to juggle school so it's slow but steady! Some CG's for the final end game stories have been completed though! Storyboarding is pretty solid through the first opening part of week 4 and writing/programming will continue as our 2022 progresses. Patrons will have one final build through the end of week 3 coming out soon as well.! Stay safe and well everyone and we'll do our best here to do the same (while working when we can!)