Suru - Fate Maker Games
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I apologize for taking quite a while to reply. Work is ongoing in the game but it's been slowed due to my family moving states and then being on a rotation of many of us getting sick then better and then sick again. Work does continue, but every in game plan takes way more toward the end than the beginning. Almost all the CG's are done now, and it's largely on the programming and writing end that requires tons of time. Writing and programming is largely done through day 4 of the final week with a few exceptions. The final weekend is taking some time to plot out. I hope this is a good update for all still following, yes we're coming out eventually!
Update Jan 2022:
Happy New Year! Not sure where the time went but hope all players are doing well!
Latest update is that we are continuing to press forward and that things are going well! We've finished most of the testing for bugs through week 3. We have a new demo that is much smaller! The game in general had lots of fixes to files and artwork so it wouldn't be so massive anymore! All but one Chibi can now be seen in the Relationships screen! (Casidra will have one eventually!) Two CG's can be seen in the Gallery with the latest demo. More CG work is still being done, but again our artist has to juggle school so it's slow but steady! Some CG's for the final end game stories have been completed though! Storyboarding is pretty solid through the first opening part of week 4 and writing/programming will continue as our 2022 progresses. Patrons will have one final build through the end of week 3 coming out soon as well.! Stay safe and well everyone and we'll do our best here to do the same (while working when we can!)
August Update 2021: Work continues. A lot has been getting done. Our artist has returned and is currently working on two more chibis (for Davis and Ven). The script has been squared through W3 Sat and Sunday is coming along pretty well. W3 Sunday is about halfway done. Hope is to have W3 finished and at least basically tested for most large errors by early fall. By then the new chibi's should be complete as well so they should be in the next build of the GUI. for patrons. Exciting progress.
July 2021 Update:
First let me assure you: Secrets of Avalon is still being worked on.
Covid has made it pretty hard to update or work as often as we would like, but with things starting to return to some mild sense of normal, a lot more time has been put in lately and this game will get there. We don't have a date at the moment because we want it to be a lot closer to at least the first full draft of the whole narrative before we announce a date. That way it's just polishing and adding artwork that will need to take place in the final months. We don't want to give a date and then have a lot of delays or it end up being years later.
That being said, actual development updates:
We have finished a good portion of W3 Sat with a handful of placeholder scenes that will be finished later. Work on W3 Sunday has been progressing well and we hope to finish out the lion's share of W3 by the end of July. CG and Chibi artwork are both progressing at a good rate with only a handful of Chibi's left!
Update Notes early March:
Work continues. Lots of little fixes have largely been taking place. Day 20 is moving along steadily, but even previous days are getting some scenes that had previously been placeholders and just lots of polish has been taking place the past few months. Several more CG's have finished, along with another chibi (the sketch of which is available in the art section here on We are moving steadily closer to finishing out day 20. Some open scenes are still going to be there, just as in previous points, but they will get filled in later. Plotting is moving more and more toward the final week and end game options with several large reveals already options by the end of week 3. Thanks for sticking with us, we'll get SoA finished and polished up yet!
New Year (Sort of) Update:
We've been fairly busy working on more content. Every in game day is a touch more complex than the last. Some of W3 Sat (day 20) is finished but there are several scenes to go before we'll finish that day out. Our CG artist had to take a month off to study for exams but will be back soon. There are some beauties that will still be made for us. Work is definitely continuing and thank you for any support!
New Demo with 80% of GUI up! Shiny!
This update has most of the new GUI. The Main Menu and another Extras Page (that will break up some of those extras!) will be added eventually. Also deciphered how to allow donations if you'd like to support my project that way. The non-demo build (available to patrons on the patreon) is done through day 19 of 28! I hope people enjoy the lovely new artwork employed in the game!
Note: For this build to work you cannot be using previous saves/versions of the game or the data will pop errors frequently. If you are getting errors even after you deleted previous data please let me know what they are so I can work on them.
Thank you for playing! Happy Holidays!
New Demo with 80% of GUI up!
This update has most of the new GUI. The Main Menu and another Extras Page (that will break up some of those extras!) will be added eventually. Also deciphered how to allow donations if you'd like to support my project that way. The non-demo build (available to patrons on the patreon) is done through day 19 of 28! I hope people enjoy the lovely new artwork employed in the game!
Note: For this build to work you cannot be using previous saves/versions of the game or the data will pop errors frequently. If you are getting errors even after you deleted previous data please let me know what they are so I can work on them.
Thank you for playing!
October 2020 Update:
Progress continues. The script and base programming is nearly complete through W3 Friday (or day 19/28). The demo itself will not extend to this point, but will also be getting an update soon as other assets are attained and programmed in.
The script has been mostly tested through (3 routes still need to be tested for basic bugs). There are some fixes that will need to be done, but the lion's share of the work is done through this point in the game. Work on the third weekend event will be starting soon - a Casino weekend and that sort of themed games/events with various members of your dorm. At this point, you can have inspired several rivalries between various members that will alter how they interact and what they say to each other. (Much more shade is thrown if they are rivals).
GUI is in active development, the down payment for it has been made. Hoping to get it back this month sometime so I can get a new build out for players. My patrons will get a build through the full nineteen days once I have finished testing and gotten the GUI (and programmed it in).
CG's are also in active development. The artist has been excellent and hopefully they can get many pieces done with me to help improve SoA. I will be adding all the sketches to the demo when I have them as new builds are released (to whatever point in the demo they might take place). When I have colored versions though, they will be updated for my patrons. : )
Patrons will be getting rewards for October as well, including a lucky patron that will get a small plushie of their choice (of one of the game characters). Exciting times.
For those interested in offering extra support to Secrets of Avalon as it develops you can find the pateron here:
Update Early Aug 2020:
W3 Wed and Thurs Complete. (18/28 days complete).
W3 Friday and the weekend will be very involved and take some effort to accomplish.
By the end of W3 most characters will have the option for the MC to be exclusive with them going into the final week).
W3 Friday will involve some important information/or a possible final lock out of learning MC's past. You can still finish the game with positive endings without having discovered what happened to her memory.
Still waiting on CG stuff back. No new news there.
In October we'll be looking at prizes for patrons. If we can get another commission with plushielady at DA, that will be the prize again. Otherwise we'll come up with something of an equatable value.
Update Mid2020:
Game work continues:
-The Script is steadily heading toward completion of W3 Wed.
-It started needing 33 scenes and only needs 7 now.
-W3 Wed involves a series of possible events and a social dinner between characters so it is the longest day of Week 3 other than the upcoming weekend event.
-W3 Wed Weekend Event will be a Casino theme where you will host one day and get to go hang out/date Love Interests another.
-Week 3 involves choices to remain in 'exclusive' relationships with several characters. (Ignoring them after agreeing to date them only at this point can be detrimental to the relationship)
-A CG artist has been hired. I can say that the first CG will be Thaddeus' rescue of Dere during the first week even with the lanterns. The artist just got references for the first CG and it will take time to get everything in order. Sketches/Lineart will be added to Patreon when they exist. They may also be added as just sketches or lineart into the demo whenever that step is reached. Actual color pics will be for patron's only until the full release.
-Further prizes have been given out to patrons since the last update on - Only a demo, but best I can do.
I have a new demo prepared but am waiting on word back on how to upload files above 1g. All the picture files even compressed and zipped have become too large for what normally supports. I will be putting up files as soon as I have this resolved.
The new demo has artwork for all main characters in the game as well as a little more time than the previous version of the demo. The full current demo through day 14.5 is available on our pateron: .
Despite some delays because of the ongoing plague issues, work slowly continues and this project is moving steadily forward.
This is the lovely prize for the winning pateron during the last supporter raffle. Plush chibi Triskel ended up pretty cute. Another prize will be coming around May. More months of support equal more tickets to winning bling like this. The more supporters the more we can spend on possible prizes so if you are interested please jump into the support. Or even just keep an eye on the pateron as there will be occasional updates there that are public.
Update Notes: 12/3/19
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
Artwork update: In bittersweet news I had to part with my sprite artist (but I have a new one!). She lacked the time to continue to work properly on the game resources and we came to a mutual decision that she needed to step away. However, I already found a new artist that is willing to continue to work and has already started on the sprites I'd been waiting for to update the public demo.
A plushie has been won by one of our patrons for the raffle and is being worked on. Another patron won a scene prompt and that will also be in the updated demo when it is released.
Later this month patrons will vote on a possible new friendship or romance to be added into the game. All around very exciting stuff in store. Game definitely moving along. We're still early in the programming of week two but there were lots of fixes that were required in week two. Keep warm everyone. I wish you the best during the holiday season.
In the first week of November we'll be having our first supporter raffle for our patrons at pateron! You could win a small plush of a character in the game (your choice!) or the ability to choose a brief scene with npcs of your choice in the game as well! You must be a patron by the end of October to apply for this raffle, but there will be more in the future! The longer you are a patron the more tickets you receive!
You can find our pateron here: