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I disagree, and I will try to explain it in a reasoned way.

1- The game is inspired by Atic Atac, respecting its essence and mechanics deeply. It's like reliving that game 40 years later, in 3D style, with beautiful music and a really wonderful art style. And adding, in a very inspired way, new game modes. It would be meaningless without the frenetic pace, opening and closing doors, constant appearance of enemies, life drainage, etc.

2- The map is available on the consoles. There are 5 floors, and you have one map per floor. When you have discovered a complete floor, take a picture of it with your mobile phone (or a screenshot) and you have maps forever, if you wish so. Other players prefer to play without a map.

3- I don't think it's a hardcore game, not even close. My son, who had never seen a game like this before, saw it on Monday and immediately asked me to install it for him. He played two test games with Stamperlot, understood the objective perfectly, and the next game he won the game in 17 minutes (Andrew13 at the score table). I was surprised how well he knew the map after a few games, and he was more familiar with the main paths than I was. He made one more comment: Dad, it's too easy to refill the life bar, there's food everywhere.

After that, he won it twice with Lester (one of them didn't enter due to server error) and once with Zouch (was also not registered for the same reason). And although he usually plays Fortnite and League of Legends, he also loves Melkhior's Mansion.

So, as you can see, for some it is easy, for others it is hard. You have to ask yourself whether you really like it or not, it won't suit all players. In my opinion it's a marvellous game, a gem. And on top of that, it's free.

Thanks, I'd agree with all of that, but then I wrote it so I'm incredibly biased. Sorry about the server issues, Fasthosts had a big outage earlier in the week, most annoying. Take a look in the log folder, your scores may have been written out to a file, I can manually submit them for you if you like. Contact details are on the website. Oh and I love that your son has been playing it over his usual games, that's a result!! :o)

Don't worry about the scores, my son and I will continue playing it regularly. I'll tell you something else that worries me more, and that might be a bug. Yesterday afternoon I finally unlocked all the palettes, I left the last one on (Spectrum dimmed, or something like that). Today I started the game and it's as if my data has been erased: I have all the palettes locked again. Maybe you can figure out the cause. I don't mind getting them again, it can be fun. What worries me is that it keeps happening over and over again.

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I have discovered the <Setting Key="Palette" Value="0" /> value in the Settings.xml file, but I have never edited it. I don't know why it is set to zero. Maybe after taking them all, the next time it goes back to zero? Or something like that.

EDIT: Never mind: I noticed that this value is the selected palette, not the unlocked ones.

Yeh sorry about that, it's a bug that other folks have reported too. I'll be looking into it soon. Bit annoying that one.

Ok, thank you ;)

I suspect there are some hidden details about that you son was playing and found it easy. Maybe he saw someone playing it and realized some easy play tactics. Maybe you explained him something. I don't know. But I suspect there was some details that made it not a blind first play for him.

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The key to the game is getting to know the map. Once you become familiar with it, things do get easier. Kids do tend to pick things up quicker than adults! Maybe he's just better at it than you are? Sorry, but you're starting to sound a little bit jealous of a 13 year old kid. By all means offer feedback on the game, that's absolutely fine, whether it's positive or negative, I don't mind, but there's no need to start having a dig at the kid's gaming skills.

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Maybe if I knew the way to play easy right from beginning it would be easy for me. I gave feedback from absolutely blind playthrough. You sure his son did not saw something which made some great spoilers for him?

I find it a bit absurd to have to answer this, I don't see the point, but since you insist so much I'll do it just once. As I told you, my son saw the game and asked me to install it for him, because he liked it. He watched me play for about 2 minutes, no more. The only thing I told him was the objective of the game (which the game itself tells you), he saw that there were some coloured keys to open doors and I told him that one of the pieces he was looking for was in an attic (which the game also tells you!). From there, he went to his room and managed by himself to find the keys, look for the stairs upwards, go up to the attic, etc. All by himself and no more spoilers. And I assure you that after only three games, he knew the map much better than I did. I hope you'll feel more at ease now that I've revealed the 'hidden details'.

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I reckon he's just good at video games, like a lot of teens :o)

And not just in video games, he's a smart and mature kid for his age. By the way, his age is 12. I guess he chose Andrew13 just because he likes it. Su verdadero nombre es Andrés, somos españoles ;-)

Ahhh, sorry your English is so perfect I didn't realise. Bien hecho André!! My daughter's 13, she's a video game nut, but not interested in Melkhior's Mansion. Oh well! :o)

Haha, things that happen...

By the way, the game has crashed twice on my son's computer, the last time a few minutes ago when he was in the middle of a game. The error window said "Melkhior's Mansion encountered the following problem and will have to close: Referencia a objeto no establecida como instancia de un objeto". I have the log files, if you want to have a look at them.

Anyway, you know kids are doing 20 things at the same time on the PC, and they keep changing the focus from one thing to another, watching streams, talking on discord, etc. That may have caused the problem, but I don't know.

There is a crash bug that I'm aware of, it's probably the same thing. Can you email me the files from the log folder? My email address can found here...

Thanks ;o)

So it wasn't a blind playthrough. And seems you don't understand the difference.

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Ok, many thanks for your input.

You're being silly now. This forum is for feedback on the game, not a place to have a pop at kids who are better at video games than you are.