i like how the super belly flop is as op as in the huge adventure, you can destroy tnt crates without the countdown and destroy nitro crates without the ! nitro crate (i dont know if they fixed it.), and also, a glitch in the previous version let you hit dingodile while he was talking, this is probably fixed now.
the old version of Seismic Activity was the ONLY platinum i got! and the platinum times are WAAAAAAAY to broken for me. i mean COME ON i can't even beat my own record!
tho in the page for the new version, im seeing a Ripto's Rampage themed level, a dark jungle level, and what seems to be the new version of Seismic Activity, mmmm i dont wanna know the names for the new levels! its like opening a kinder surprise egg
edit: this is the longest piece of text i have EVER written
edit 2: ok dingodile is complete but i CAN'T beat it. its so hard. he throws you like 401401470747346278e+5707295923757725907317658929582368581123957570107570170107957089756101010010100101101010010110464184168246881468785868160 attacks at you
it has green missiles (to attack him), red missiles (to avoid), a giant laser (ok to be serious what), and a trillion other attacks.