Yeah. I have zero clue what you want me to do with this. The "overstimluation" and "frustrated" bars go up so much and so quickly that even just moving my hand around to find this way too elusive sweet spot puts me way behind. Even when I do finally find a spot that moves her happiness bar up (barely), it ALSO raises the other bars by more. Is there a way to let these bars go back down? If I move around, overstimulation seems to drop by a tiny amount, but frustrated goes up. There seems (?) to be certain spots that lower frustration but those still raise overstimulation. If you're wanting me to do this very tedious juggling act, I'm not going to do that. I've given this a dozen tries. My last try, I actually got happiness up to about, oh, 5%. And it crashed.
Sorry, man. But this just...isn't fun. It needs work. You need to fix the crashes and probably have a heart-to-heart with yourself on exactly what you want your player experience to actually feel like. I'd say you need to make the happiness progress more noticeable and chill waaaay out with the progress on the other bars. Hell, in one playthrough, I did three rubs and her frustration bar was almost full. That shouldn't happen.