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Ran through 2 runs dying after killing a bunch of monsters. The game is difficult but not impossible. I liked the different monsters to fight and different characters to choose from. Finding random items was fun, my favorite being the wand. The game also looks good. The movement isn't too bad because you can hold down the mouse to move faster which I also liked. This might be a criticism of rogue games but I think the games are too short because you lose food fast and don't have much health to back up your character without good weapons, if that's intended then maybe have a easier tutorial or something. Cool game so far, look forward to what you add next.


Thank you!

I'm testing out lowering the rate food decreases from .5/turn to .25. Might lower some of the food that items give though. 

I don't want the game to come to the point where the best strategy is always to fight every single enemy then rest to full HP, but I think it's pretty far away from that being possible. Especially in the later stages.

It looks like there's a bug in that screenshot. I've seen it happen when I recompile the game in the editor.