Hi , I found this way : I have uploaded a Video on YouTube with the scrolling Log. You can find at this address :
Hope you can helpThanks
OK, looks like the problem is a combination of your graphics card (or drivers) not being supported by the 3D visualiser and me not thinking to provide options for running with a lower spec visualiser (or none at all). Pretty sure I can work something out, but it might have to wait until I’ve got time at the weekend.
Thanks Sarrowsmith ,
You are a genius ! I downloaded version 15 and it runs ! Also the graphic is not bad (but to be honest my interest was only on the generated music which I would use as starting point /inspiration for my compositions. Thus I shall appreciate if there will be the possibility also to switch off the graphic animation (even if it is very nice , but my CPU meter is going toward the red ) . In any case this is already a great result for me and must say that produced music is pleasant .
For now I thank you for your precious support
Best Regards
Luciano Rizzi
If you want to give v16 a go, there’s an option (button at the top of the interface) for turning the graphics on or off – it’s on by default so you’ll need to turn it off before hitting “Play”.
It’s possible this version will reintroduce the original problem, even with the graphics off. If so, I’ll have to go back to the idea of having a separate “lite” version to keep the CPU load down.