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Awesome concept and good execution. The art and the music are pretty great. The controls are simple and work fairly well. You've also done some pretty cool stuff with the level design.

I did have a handful of issues. On level 3, it's possible to shoot yourself into a corner and be totally stuck. I don't know if there was a reset button, but I wasn't aware of it and had to reset and replay from the start. For a game like this that has no movement mechanic other than static objects in the map, you really need either a level reset button or to be extra diligent in placement of everything.

As far as the difficulty, which I know has been mentioned a lot, I think there are some ways to mitigate it a bit that don't necessarily need a lot of extra levels inbetween to build up skills. I only got to level 4 because I suck. I felt the main thing that hindered me from doing well on that level was the extremely restrictive FOV. The first thing that struck me (literally) about the level was that there were spikes that I had no way of knowing existed and no way to slow down in time once I saw them.

I died to those spikes a lot even once I knew they were there, and I think the biggest reason was because I couldn't see them to judge the distance against my momentum. Eventually after a bunch of deaths, I had the right momentum down, but that feels a little like artificial difficulty. I had the same issues coming down the other side, not because I didn't understand the mechanics or how to use them, but just because I couldn't see things to judge distances.

Your game already has the ability to be challenging on the strength of its mechanics (as I'm sure the later levels I didn't get to show), so I don't really think it needs artificial difficulty in the form of restricting the information available to the player.  It already needs a careful application of speed and good reflexes just on its core design.  I think a suitably wide FOV or even a stationary camera showing the entire level would benefit it greatly.

Sorry for the novel. I really enjoyed the game, and the camera started hindering that enjoyment after a point so I wrote a lot of words.


Hey, thanks for the great and thorough suggestions! Definitely agreed on the reset button - I planned to build that out for the jam, but I ended up running out of time. In hindsight, I should've started by implementing the bare-bones reset functionality for the jam (no animations, etc), just tied to a keyboard hotkey or something. Will keep in mind for future jams. :)

Also agreed on the camera issues - I think I'll be increasing FOV and decreasing the follow lag. Regarding the section in level 4 where you have to drop down, there is actually a way to "tether" down (by holding left-mouse down and tapping right-mouse) in a more controlled fashion, instead of just falling and hoping to be able to push off the anchor fast enough. To some extent, I made that part of the level in order to teach that skill, but I agree that it wasn't very intuitive or natural, and that a better camera would've allowed flexibility in how players approach the level.

Thanks again for the kind words and great feedback - I really appreciate it.