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Oh man, you've totally captured the weeping angels here. Nicely done! 

The walking backwards mechanic is such a small but essential piece to this puzzle. It felt a little weird to use the first few times, but I got the hang of it. 

Knowing weeping angels, I think I would have appreciated a slightly different "solution" style to the puzzles. Being able to defeat them by tricking them into spike traps is a bit basic for them. It'd be much more interesting to lure them into rooms and close the door or drop them into pits. 

Overall, you did a great job on this. Well done and keep making games!

Thank you for the great feedback! I will make sure of using it in the future :D

I thought of maybe making an homage to the show, by making the angels look at each other and freeze. Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to implement it. Next time making a puzzle game I will spend more time improving the puzzles.