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(1 edit)

Just want to ask if i'm the only one who was abble to see (before when we was at the vers 1.4) the possible  hybridation bonus from bredding with x race, and bonus from fullblooded by cliking at the race of any character in their charactersheet ?

havent been abble to found one screenshot when i was checking my folder as i was mostly saved screen of recipe for hybrid and funny moment of the game, but it  was visible like that

 cause it's was damn useful !

(also found in the setup file the crude information about it but yeah it was way more faster)

I've had it on my list to make (or get someone to help me make) something like that, but no I don't think it actually existed as you describe.

what the helll !

it thank to that that i have discover the different hybrid posible and stuff like that, wich are exactly the same as in the file, the setup something, so godamn so yeah 100% sure it wasnt a dream, damn that strange

If Ralphs is enabled in expansionsettings, it does have the list where you're referencing. I'd confirm that it wasn't left with use_expansion_tweak = false if you were playing on a Ralphs save.

damn in that case it might be that my instalation is fked up, but got the new trait, the new item, specialisation, the training ground and the colorful name, so it's strange

or do that mean that it can be re enabled by change it to true ?

also have start from vers 1.6, with debug and all if that relevant to my question.


The traits/items/specializations are fully separate from Ralphs, Ralphs just gives the unique hybrid races and some additional race alterations (along with the option for difficulty tweaks). If you were playing with Ralphs beforehand, it wouldn't automatically save your changes to, so any changes (like enabling ralphs via the line above) would need to be readded. We're trying to come up with a solution to having to re-add all of your tweaks/changes/customizations in expansionsettings but haven't gotten there yet. You can enable it now by setting it to true though, yes.

Nice to know,  thank !